Yup, it's gone that far. Reminiscent of that time Electronica went too far and became electronicaca, Indie can now be called Indidiarrohea or Indidudu.
Use liberaly and enjoy, compliments of Amresh Puri. Oh and for your scatalogical pleasure, I named the picture file Crapperman. Sorry to steal your name Trebeckskipipicaca.
my mom called me the other day and asked me "what's this Indie Rock thing I keep hearing about?" Now I know what to say. Thanks Amresh. By the way, how was your Yahkni Pulao??
Apparently it tasted like Jean-Louis Poulard.
guys, it'll only taste like chicken if you want it to... mind power people, MIND POWER!!!!
sorry, the reply above made reference to cassy's reply... of course indiedudu doesn't taste like chicken, everybody kn ows that!
we should have a dish called Jean-Guy Poulard!
ps: does the guy on the left of the poster have no pants on?
oh those indidudus
My Yakni Pulao was decent. Good. But just not the same. I think I will go do something stupid, like go play Guitar Hero for 2 hours, in the middle of the day! YEAH!
yeah...or you could also watch the adventures of Indiarhea Jones and the temple of Dudu, by Steven Shitberg. dangdeedoodoodleday
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