And her name isn't Giorgiu Mandascoli. She actually replied to my "Qui es-tu?"
post-it by writing "Lucy? Je nettoie ton bureau. Et toi, qui es-tu? HA HA HA".
And this time, she left the pumpkin and skull upside down on my computer screen
box. YES!!! I have made first contact. So apparently, the pumpkin fairy is actually
the pumpkin, skull and clean desk fairy. So here's the thing. I have now established
an inter-temporal relationship. As opposed to prisonners and internet dwellers alike,
we work in the same place, but not at the same time. So this time, I put the pumpkin
and skull sideways and left a little message saying "Moi c'est Pierre-François,
enchanté...chocolat?" with an arrow pointing towards the skull in which lies a little
chocolate square. Mama said you can't seduce the tooth fairy with chocolate but this
is a whole different kind of fairy. Now, she could be 65, raggedy, and a mother of 5 but
the best case scenario would lead to a torrid cubicle after-hours fantasy affair with the
young and recently immigrated cleaning lady. Otherwise she would just remain a
funny pen-pal. In the end though, if things go wrong, I'll just get her a kashmir sweater
so as to not get fired.
Oh shit, I just realized...ah...Pierre-François, who's that? That's not my name, what kind of name is...oh, forget it
nice one genius.
Hey, Amresh, I'm going to the dep. You need anything?
no tanks
now, don't forget, when your boss yells at you for banging the cleaning lady on your desk after work, you tell him "i didn't know this was frowned upon..."
George knows best.
Trebek, you've proved once again that you're a true seinfieldian scholar.
and then what happened?
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