Dig-a-dee check yourself before you wreck yourself.
So this SPC says I'm no real man cause I cant relate to the truculent pricks.
Well get this : maybe its her ontario experience that taught her the real men were really the ontario pricks. So far so good, but the 19 bernard is established in Montreal biatch, people are decent over there, so either read it in the stars or get real. As for me being a fluffer, she should know I retired a while ago at the age of 8, when my uncle's friends started complaining I got too old for their own amusement. So check your sources and get with the program, or go back to mars. Shiiiit.
Come and get me!...btw what took you so long to respond?
I was busy shopping around for that sledge I'm gonna use to level your ugly skull.
Hey Salaud! *bleep* up that *bleep* *bleeping* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* man! And *bleep* spc *bleep*-eating *bleep* *bleep*!
...there...I said it.
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