Thursday, October 19, 2006

God = Me

So I was studying and it occured to me that I was God. Ever since then, everything has been the same. But then again, that's because nothing has changed for me, since I was God before this epiphany and I remain God. Only God could arrive to such clear and concise conclusions. Be honoured. Oh and you can be proud to be the first to know that from now on al mi spelingh iz corekt. ohkay^ Gaude makse nau mysteaks.


alex trebek said...

it's funny, you told me recently a story about that time when you talked back to your dad as a kid and he asked "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" and you got incredibly scared and said "nothing..."
so is your dad super-god?

Jobless in January said...

nice follow through from the last post Puri, definite blogenius work.

Barbarosa said...


Karl Hungus said...

what? where did you find that shitty painting?

Barbarosa said...

in your studio...

Dementor said...