i know it's lame to post about your own birthday, so no need to call attention to it. Ana Bananaz and Cassuabe. (aside: when I was applying to universities, I sent out for information about a bunch of different schools, and I unknowingly asked for info from an all-african american school, called Martin Luther King Jr. University. I was a little perplexed when I looked at their pamphlet and noiced that I would definitely stand out, but I realized the letter was addressed to Cassuabe Robinson, like I was some Kenya phenom). So anyway, my birthday is November 5th and Anne-Marie's is November 1st. So we're booking all of you for saturday, november 4th. Open forum for suggestions, so let 'em rip.
I wont be there... unless you pay me a bus ride... or a train ticket... or something.
dontcha have a car?
So here's the first salvo in the "what to do for Anne-Marie n' Cassy's birthdaze" wars. I suggest we go en masse to the marché jean-talon and have a picnic there on the saturday afternoon of that weekend
I suggest you all come visit the fabulousness of king city ontario.
I could provide you all with some fresh king city public water system water. whadyasay ?
Yeah, you heard me. Fresh king city public water system water.
what ?
You want a theme?!?!
...two words...
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