nuts nuts nuts people people people, i am going nuts nuts nuts!!! school school school is not cool cool cool! i've got 5 5 5 papers due this week week week, including 3 3 3 for tomorrow!!! hurray hurray hurray!!! my mind is going dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong right now now now! i'm hungry, i'm cold, i can't focus cause i'm hungry and cold and i'm hungry and cold cause i've got 5 5 5 papers to write! fun fun fun! i need to go run run run or something, but it would help if my work-enhanced stress didn't give me the runs! can someone please slap me or something? or do my work for me maybe? this is all cackers in the dumpsters people people people! gibberish gibberish gibberish! i guuuueeeeeeesssss WEEEEEEEE AAAllllll ggggggooooo NuTZ sometimes! booooo-llloooooo-ppppppiiiiii--ggggggooooosaaajjdjdghfuehfghsdnvlksailejf! how bout some morse code now? ..-- --. --.-. ..--.-.. ---.. -.-.-. --.-.- -.-. .-.- --.-. ..---.--. --..-- ..-.-.- ! or some binary? 000011101 00001010011 00010100101 001010100101 00101010101 00101010101!!! that's what i think of all of you!! ooooooooohhhhhhhh please release me!!!
how bout some shrooms?
I would appreciate it if we didn't put up photos of our friends' mothers.
Thank you.
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