So there you go. I am now over the top of the hierarchik ladder of attractiveness. I can now boast with maximum pride and satisfaction that I've accomplished the ultimate deed in the art of seduction. Yes, after having been rejected 167 times in my life, I have now seduced a very sexy woman while wearing an empty 6 pack on my head AND I turned her down ! She was refused by a box ! HA !
Sexy RoBox 1, Raging Feminist Mafia 0 !
So my fellow boxes, you all can now officially trust me when I say that we are the prototypes of sexyness, we are the next generation of chickmagnets and yes, it is going to be difficult to refuse them all but damn how it's going to be self-gratifying. BOXES RULE ! Hooray for the box ! Yeeha...
it's hard being a boxman though... i went to the movies last night and the people behind me kept kicking my box, arguing that they couldn't see anything! then, in class today, the professor kept making obnoxious comments: "while our recycling plants can't meet the demand, some weirdos wear their recyclable matters nowadays", "you should think outside the box, alex", "i wear boxer shorts everyday"...
racists, i tell you, they're all racists....
Maybe you should try a different brand of box.
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