Thursday, October 12, 2006


As my eyes gaze at this picture, I am not sure if I am living a wacky flashback, dreaming, or if it is simply Goddy-boy telling me that the apocalypse is soon to be upon us.


Dementor said...

I dont know but I aint taking any chance, I'm staying in Canada this weekend. No psygaydeli shit for me.
Not that I have anything against psys or delis, its just that I feel better when they're not around.

Jobless in January said...

Dj Static is amazing, if you can go, just go for the music. I saw him at an event here in the cap613 she-at I didn't stop dancing!

slapmaster J said...

someone referred to Ottawa as the cap613 today and my heart felt sad

alex trebek said...

good for youppie!! he's finallym living his dream after years of being exploited for his haitr and body in different ways, he can finally expose himself as he really is: an orange-haired perv.