You guys all owe me 5$. To have good old fashioned fun at La Maisonnée, 5383 avenue Gatineau, one block away from Métro Côte-des-Neiges, at 17h on Friday the 17th of November.
Oh yeah! Get your party hats on, were gonna have a good time! Yaaouuuuuuuuuh!
So, as you all don't care, I do some volunteer work at an organization called Collège Frontière, or Frontier College in the ROC. It's an alphabetisation programme. Anyways, we're having a wicked awesome fundraiser at La Maisonnée on Friday December the 5th 2006. Some of you may remember La Maisonnée from time spent at a certain CÉGEP where most/many of us went to. For you others (heretofore refered to as legal-aliens), it's a dive with charm. And we will be signing karaoke! AWESOME! Anyways, you should totally come even if it weren't for a good cause, just because it will be fun. We'll totally own the place, and those Collège Brassière nerds can shove it!
So five (5) good reasons to come to La Maisonnée on Friday the 17th of November 2006:
1. We will have a super good time! Karaoke! It's been a while for all of us...HOOKED ON A FEELING...
2. I am asking you to. I like to think I don't ask for much. I could be mistaken on this one. Whatever, refer to 1.
3. It's for a good cause. Karma points! KARMA KARMA KARMA KARMA KARMA KAMELEON
4. The flyer says, «Je chante pour l'alphabétisation» So in your diary, you can write, «Aujourd'hui, j'ai chanté pour l'alphabétisation.» Or better yet when someone calls during the evening and asks what you're doing, you can tell them the truth, «Je chante pour l'alphabétisation» Bet you've never said that before!
5. It's Friday. TGI.
So it's at La Maisonnée, 5383 avenue Gatineau, one block away from Métro Côte-des-Neiges, at 17h, on Friday the 17th of November.
Tickets on sale at 19 Bernard.