Sunday, November 23, 2008

You want good times? Let me show you good times!


Napoleon Bonerpants said...

That post was like saying, hey, why read the 19Bernard blog all day when you can just hang out on youtube? Dildo, the posts you write get my attention more than the videos you borrow. Just keep writing. At this point, I feel like my life is becoming a Daft Punk video. I might as well sniff some markers and pass out to the melodies of Peter, Bjorn and fucking Larry.

Master of the Craw said...

Well, I associated good times with dancing and since I can't dance with words...

although, to be sure, any excuse to post a video of Chinese inmates doing thriller is a good one. and the daft punk ones were just crazy.

Karl Hungus said...

Fuck all 'yall! Fun is fun. If Dildo wants to post that, then so be it. You don't like it, post something else. A blog works on participation. The contributors make it what it is.

Eat my Larry.

Chicks unite and post to your vagina's content. That's the only way to reclaim ownership on the good times.

Karl Hungus said...

PS: //nerdlord is on shrooms. He texted me but he probably doesn't remember.

Barbarosa said...

the prisoners were Flips.

Also, I have never been so attracted to squareheaded people. Although any lady who rocks with a box on her head is good by me.