Thursday, November 20, 2008

Protip number 2,314

Don't leave semi empty beer bottles in your bedroom for weeks on end. It will smell like the seat of Candyman's unwashed pants after a really hot summer at Wilvie spent drinking and shoveling manure.


Karl Hungus said...

Speaking of ball-bog, I'm going to that exhibit at the MAC tomorrow. Anybody interested should give me a ring.

Master of the Craw said...

I would but I'm not an art kind of guy. I'd probably stare at a fire hydrant and say "Hmmm, I wonder what the artist was trying to say with this piece?"

Karl Hungus said...


Dementor said...

Cant go tomorrow.

And the guy who designed the hydrant was trying to say: "Please help me, I've got two growths on the side of my penis, and one on top. See? Two on the side, and one on top. Its disgusting. Please help me."

Barbarosa said...

Remind me to go see more art exhibits with Nerdlord

Master of the Craw said...

Remind me to smoke whatever nerdlord is smoking before seeing anything I don't get.