I once saw this movie predecessor when I was really hungover. It was equal parts awesome and terrible. This looks like it's going to be par for the course. I can't wait:
too bad it's not out tomorrow. I think I'm going to need it.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Faith Restored

I was just about to leave the house for work this morning when I noticed that my bag was missing. A giant "Oh no!" crept over my whole body as I realised that I had left it at La Remise last night. Now normally that wouldn't have been such a big deal, but the severity of the loss of the contents of my favorite Cocotte bag slowly began to dawn on me at work. (which was excruciatingly painful, I might add: filled with Tequila burps and horrible waves of nausea).
Now it wasn't the cool business card holder that I paid too much for that I was worried about. Nor was it the scarf my sister had bought me in Paris, or my $80 headphones. It was my ipod touch. At first I told myself "Oh well, it was just a $400 toy". But then I realised how much was on it: all of my contacts, all my emails directly downloading to it, access to my facebook and every other account I have, and more... Basically, anyone with half a brain who found it could do some serious damage.
So I went to the bar at about 2pm and there was my bag, exactly where I had left it, in plain sight, surrounded by about 10 of the most hard-up people in worn-down clothes, completely drunk (of course). I walked over, opened it up, and everything was exactly where it should be, including a full beer I didn't even know I had. The only damage done was a few scratches on the ipod screen because I fell during a drunken snowball fight on the way to the bar (beer caps and glass make scratches).
Anyways, all this to say that the people not stealing my bag or its contents restored a bit of my faith in humanity. Either that, or I not only have a horseshoe up my ass, but the whole horse, buggy, and driver up there as well. I'm putting an access code on my ipod.
Fucking Tequila.
Monday, December 29, 2008
More Guessing! Happy Time Version
Which organisation had this as one of its mottos : ''To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss.''
Here's a photographic hint:

The answer can be found here.
Here's a photographic hint:

The answer can be found here.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I had to
For the record, I am against randomly posting Youtube videos on the blog to create content...but Candyman pressured me to do this.
A wind that'll knock the wind outta ya
Man, forget biking. Just walking was a challenge for me today. What kind of place do we live in where you have to avoid flooded areas by treading on sheer ice while dodging falling branches in 100km/hr gusts?
So, I’ve done some research based on weather forecasts and can’t quite figure out what kind of phenomenon this is. It seems like a depression of almost cyclonic proportions, hence this satellite image:

Yeah, it’s not a hurricane but I’ve never felt a wind this strong since skydiving or riding in the back of a convertible going at 200km/hr.
Though the wind, to me, was a bit unsettling, I set out to have one of the best smokes of my life. I went on my balcony and faced the incoming wrath unhindered by the construction wasteland that lay ahead. I actually had to keep one foot behind the other (fighter’s stance) to keep from falling over. There was no immediate threat but the sheer strength of nature left me humbled. I felt vibrations below my feet and kept on swallowing the air in a gasping attempt to breathe properly. Needless to say, tears and snot were blowing off the side of my face and the coolness enveloped me like an icy womb. I, of course, also had to have a beer with the cigarette in question and blast a very appropriate Ensiferum song in my headphones to complete the circle of personal gratification.
Thank you, global warming, for giving me these cheap thrills
So, I’ve done some research based on weather forecasts and can’t quite figure out what kind of phenomenon this is. It seems like a depression of almost cyclonic proportions, hence this satellite image:
Yeah, it’s not a hurricane but I’ve never felt a wind this strong since skydiving or riding in the back of a convertible going at 200km/hr.
Though the wind, to me, was a bit unsettling, I set out to have one of the best smokes of my life. I went on my balcony and faced the incoming wrath unhindered by the construction wasteland that lay ahead. I actually had to keep one foot behind the other (fighter’s stance) to keep from falling over. There was no immediate threat but the sheer strength of nature left me humbled. I felt vibrations below my feet and kept on swallowing the air in a gasping attempt to breathe properly. Needless to say, tears and snot were blowing off the side of my face and the coolness enveloped me like an icy womb. I, of course, also had to have a beer with the cigarette in question and blast a very appropriate Ensiferum song in my headphones to complete the circle of personal gratification.
Thank you, global warming, for giving me these cheap thrills
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Seasonal Overload
Jesus! I don't know how much more I can take. Christmas party this, christmas party that, family here, family there, social situation here/this, social situation there/that...

I know I should'nt be complaining since when I reread these lines as a lonely, overweight, friendless, malodorant 47-year-old loser with bad skin and no friends or family, I'll shed a pathetic tear. But right now, it's a bit much. Really. It's like all I could use is the type of evening that my future self has too many of: jerking off naked on the couch, with a bucket's worth of fried chicken carcasses strewn across myself and said couch, all the while pointlessly losing my time (life) perusing the supernet.
In fact, as I write these, my girlfriend is pressuring me to get my ass in gear.
I'll see you on the outside.

I know I should'nt be complaining since when I reread these lines as a lonely, overweight, friendless, malodorant 47-year-old loser with bad skin and no friends or family, I'll shed a pathetic tear. But right now, it's a bit much. Really. It's like all I could use is the type of evening that my future self has too many of: jerking off naked on the couch, with a bucket's worth of fried chicken carcasses strewn across myself and said couch, all the while pointlessly losing my time (life) perusing the supernet.
In fact, as I write these, my girlfriend is pressuring me to get my ass in gear.
I'll see you on the outside.
Friday, December 26, 2008
As much as I love Nerdlord's starscream...
This is a better way to ring in the new year:
and this of course
and this of course
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Speaking of Russ Meyer
Seriously, there are other videos like this one. I don't know who writes this stuff but it's simply genius. One of them simply qualifies one of the actresses as "The personification of innocence trapped in the body of a woman". Why isn't this stuff still around?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Love it
Not only is this another video post, but it's a video post about video games. That's right... and there's nothing you can do about it... except not watch it, I guess. But watch it anyways.
Say what you want about PeTa, but they make some pretty sweet ads.
For two different reasons, I thought these warranted being shared:

Damn! After that last one, I think I'll start calling them PeVOP - People for the Ethical Viewing of softPorn.
For two different reasons, I thought these warranted being shared:

Damn! After that last one, I think I'll start calling them PeVOP - People for the Ethical Viewing of softPorn.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Taakaashi miikee of course
Candyman was right.
I forgot Miike had done it before.
I believe this is the scene right after Ichi is caught pulling a tear jerker while spying on the dude.
I forgot Miike had done it before.
I believe this is the scene right after Ichi is caught pulling a tear jerker while spying on the dude.
pushing that terminator shit off the page...
well i wanted to push this thing off the page in posting this cause it was so goddamm annoying... but since it,s already slipped down, i'll post it anyway cause it's a classic and it's so damn funny.
Why did you have to re-ignite my passion for Betty?
Wow...erotic dancing has hardly changed at all in the past 50 years.
Wow...erotic dancing has hardly changed at all in the past 50 years.
Monday, December 15, 2008
One Less Icon

Did you know that Page, Betty died recently? But I like to say that as long as we keep masturbating to her, she stays alive.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
And thats all he gets.

You know JFK and his little brother, they were decent people you know. They were loved by the masses and all. Sure, John may have had a less than respectable sexual life but that was his problem, not ours. Then of course there was Vietnam. But even then, Vietnam was from the beginning straight up a fight against communism. He didnt lie about it. And then even Reagan got shot. But George? I thought he should have been assassinated like 346 times. The whole world seemed to think that too.
Then all he gets is a pair of shoes.
I know you arabs have had it hard, with all those bombs that were dropped on your ass, but I mean, come on, at least try to aim right.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I want my grandV K!
I havent been riding for two days.
My knees are actually hurting from not moving.
I think I may have developed chondro-calcinosis from all this inertia.

On another subject, please dont try to reach me for the next 6 days.
I'm taking heavy fire from this ending semester, and I need as less human contact as possible, as it might alter my computing abilities.
I love you all very much.
p.s Woody, are you in town? Dont call me.
My knees are actually hurting from not moving.
I think I may have developed chondro-calcinosis from all this inertia.

On another subject, please dont try to reach me for the next 6 days.
I'm taking heavy fire from this ending semester, and I need as less human contact as possible, as it might alter my computing abilities.
I love you all very much.
p.s Woody, are you in town? Dont call me.
Friday, December 12, 2008
and then... IT struck me!
THIS is what we need!!!!!

* Almost impossible to fall.
* Almost impossible to slide under a car.
* Great luggage capacity.
* Low cost.
* Homebuilt.

* Almost impossible to fall.
* Almost impossible to slide under a car.
* Great luggage capacity.
* Low cost.
* Homebuilt.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Nerdlord's Winter Biking tips.
Yes, winter biking is dangerous. But, like chemical war, there are ways to survive it.The veteran biker already knows the ennemy's true nature. Those vile, cowardly car driving slimes are waiting at every corner to run him over with their oversized vehicles. It's already hard to survive them in summer, but in winter its almost a suicide mission. Nevertheless, the brave heroes still find the courage and the strenght to ride the snowy streets and fight the war on cars. Here are some tips for them:
Tip #1: Always watch your six.
The lazy backstabbing fiends that are roaming this city's streets will follow you wherever you go. Falling is a part of winter biking, so when you fall, you dont want it to happen in front of a truck. Always watch your six, and never ride in front of a car when rolling on shaky grounds.
Tip #2: How to survive a car run-over
If your constantly watching your back, then you wont see the large 4 cm wide chunk of ice that will inevitably make you lose balance if you're riding on 3 cm summer tires. And of course, cars wont disapear because you're watching them. So you need to know how to handle the car run-over when it happens. First, let go of the bike. Then, bring your legs as close to yourself as possible. Then, look up to the car and try to evaluate the speed at which it is heading at you. If its coming too fast, then forget about the next step and just lay down on the ground and hope you're thinner then the car's ground clearance. If its coming at you at a relatively slow speed, as is frequently the case during winter conditions, then try grabbing on to the bumper with both hands, while letting the car push you until it stops. During the push, try looking behind you to see if the car you are riding is gonna crush you against the car in front. In that case, slide under the car and let it run you over. If not, just wait until it comes to a stop. Remember to always keep your legs close to yourself. If you dont, then you're gonna have to switch to one of those weird hand operated bikes.
Once the car's come to a complete stop, stand up, take a sharp object or a massive one and insert it in the eye or the mouth of the driver. Make sure he doesnt die from his wounds, but remains crippled for life.
Tip #1: Always watch your six.
The lazy backstabbing fiends that are roaming this city's streets will follow you wherever you go. Falling is a part of winter biking, so when you fall, you dont want it to happen in front of a truck. Always watch your six, and never ride in front of a car when rolling on shaky grounds.
Tip #2: How to survive a car run-over
If your constantly watching your back, then you wont see the large 4 cm wide chunk of ice that will inevitably make you lose balance if you're riding on 3 cm summer tires. And of course, cars wont disapear because you're watching them. So you need to know how to handle the car run-over when it happens. First, let go of the bike. Then, bring your legs as close to yourself as possible. Then, look up to the car and try to evaluate the speed at which it is heading at you. If its coming too fast, then forget about the next step and just lay down on the ground and hope you're thinner then the car's ground clearance. If its coming at you at a relatively slow speed, as is frequently the case during winter conditions, then try grabbing on to the bumper with both hands, while letting the car push you until it stops. During the push, try looking behind you to see if the car you are riding is gonna crush you against the car in front. In that case, slide under the car and let it run you over. If not, just wait until it comes to a stop. Remember to always keep your legs close to yourself. If you dont, then you're gonna have to switch to one of those weird hand operated bikes.
Once the car's come to a complete stop, stand up, take a sharp object or a massive one and insert it in the eye or the mouth of the driver. Make sure he doesnt die from his wounds, but remains crippled for life.
Winter Biking Is Dangerous!!!
For some reason, mountain bikes don't perform well in the snow. It collects between the teeth of the tires and just forms a slippery-smooth coat. I basically felt like I had replaced my tires with banana peels. I almost died, and I ended up having to walk my bike home. FUN!
The guy in this video has it pretty bad too, but for different reasons.
PS: This movie was filmed in 1896 by Louis Lumière.
The guy in this video has it pretty bad too, but for different reasons.
PS: This movie was filmed in 1896 by Louis Lumière.
What do you get when you cross Andrew W.K.

and Lee ''Scratch'' Perry?


Yes, Andrew "Party 'till you Puke" W.K. has produced LSP's latest album. It should be noted that Lee "Scratch" Perry may have invented Reggae and Dub. He's known for his innovative production techniques as well as his eccentric character. Here's a quote from his MySpace: "Arguably the first creatively driven, "artist-producer" in modern recorded music, Lee "Scratch" Perry occupies the highest level of music making - standing comfortably next to pioneers like George Martin, Phil Spector, and Brian Wilson."
"With his own studio at his disposal, Perry's productions became more lavish, as the energetic producer was able to spend as much time as he wanted on the music he produced. It is important to note that virtually everything Perry recorded in The Black Ark was done using rather basic recording equipment; through sonic sleight-of-hand, Perry made it sound completely unique."
Here's an interview with him. Don't watch it if you're currently on drugs. And this has nothing to do with anything, but one of his albums is called Jamaican E.T.
Which brings me to my question of the day. Is the following video a parody or the real thing?
There's another song from the album on his MySpace, God Save His King, which is pretty special.

and Lee ''Scratch'' Perry?


Yes, Andrew "Party 'till you Puke" W.K. has produced LSP's latest album. It should be noted that Lee "Scratch" Perry may have invented Reggae and Dub. He's known for his innovative production techniques as well as his eccentric character. Here's a quote from his MySpace: "Arguably the first creatively driven, "artist-producer" in modern recorded music, Lee "Scratch" Perry occupies the highest level of music making - standing comfortably next to pioneers like George Martin, Phil Spector, and Brian Wilson."
"With his own studio at his disposal, Perry's productions became more lavish, as the energetic producer was able to spend as much time as he wanted on the music he produced. It is important to note that virtually everything Perry recorded in The Black Ark was done using rather basic recording equipment; through sonic sleight-of-hand, Perry made it sound completely unique."
Here's an interview with him. Don't watch it if you're currently on drugs. And this has nothing to do with anything, but one of his albums is called Jamaican E.T.
Which brings me to my question of the day. Is the following video a parody or the real thing?
There's another song from the album on his MySpace, God Save His King, which is pretty special.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Don't worry about GI Joe
'Cause you're in for a treat:
Man, I love that poster! The best part is that it will activate automatically every time you check the blog, whether you like it or not. And no one can stop it...like some kind of robotic entity...that took on a mind of its own...to destroy its creator...yes...
Anyways, here's hoping they'll put a classic Fear Factory song in the closing credits. I mean come on. You can't tell me Fear Factory and Terminator don't mix.
Man, I love that poster! The best part is that it will activate automatically every time you check the blog, whether you like it or not. And no one can stop it...like some kind of robotic entity...that took on a mind of its own...to destroy its creator...yes...
Anyways, here's hoping they'll put a classic Fear Factory song in the closing credits. I mean come on. You can't tell me Fear Factory and Terminator don't mix.
This one is smelling like semi-digested blue cheese from a dead rats' rotten guts

Although a ninja with blades and a gun will always be pretty cool.

Apparently they didnt even include Shipwreck.
They're probably saving him for the sequel, like they did with Soundwave.
Cheese and crabs. This is so depressing. Good thing I've got a naked 12 year old to look at.
Today v. Yesterday
Man, sometimes I get lost in my own bellybutton. Do you know what I mean? Take this sorry for example.
BBC Story here.
Which got me thinking about I thought our contemporary society was so much freer and shocking that before. While that may be true for many subjects, I know not of a more provocative album cover than this one:

But then again, we can also compare The Flintstones to South Park...
In a completely different conceptual space, great day for Winter Sun and some bike riding, nay?
BBC Story here.
Which got me thinking about I thought our contemporary society was so much freer and shocking that before. While that may be true for many subjects, I know not of a more provocative album cover than this one:

But then again, we can also compare The Flintstones to South Park...
In a completely different conceptual space, great day for Winter Sun and some bike riding, nay?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Phew, i think i finally made it to 2006, as i'm writing this from my cell phone on my opera mini browser! This unlimited web browsing option is der shize! Especially since for all intents and purposes, i'm now paying a dollar less for all the same options i used to have, except now i get unlimited mobile web browsing. So why don't you tethered ludites suck my balls as i masturbate in a public bathroom looking at online porn on my phone screen!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
And the Oscar goes to...
From the trailer alone I can tell that this is going to be an epic movie worthy of the highest cinematic honors. I hope to God this actually sees a theatre release although it obviously won't. If not, well, we need to get really shitfaced and watch this.
I mean, how do you top Nazi zombies? You really can't, can you?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
No Hope Losers?
The following comment by Sean Avery of the Dallas Stars has caused a huge kerfufle in the NHL. As for context, his ex or conquest, Elisha Cuthbert is currently going out with Dion Phaneuf of the Calgary Flames. The Stars we're playing the Flames later that evening.
Pas d'classe, pas p'entoute. Funny, though. But I don't see why a player should get in trouble for locker room trash talk.
The following comment by Sean Avery of the Dallas Stars has caused a huge kerfufle in the NHL. As for context, his ex or conquest, Elisha Cuthbert is currently going out with Dion Phaneuf of the Calgary Flames. The Stars we're playing the Flames later that evening.
Pas d'classe, pas p'entoute. Funny, though. But I don't see why a player should get in trouble for locker room trash talk.

You know, as much as Stevie Harper makes my skin crawl and drastically inflates my desire to separate, Canada is still a pretty damn decent place to live. I mean, if we were in Africatown, the current political situation would leave us with riots and scores of dead.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Clusterfuck in da House
Instead of freaking out

blaming the other guy

and making threats of menage à trois,

shouldnt these guys be voting laws forbidding semen based recipes in public restaurants!?

blaming the other guy

and making threats of menage à trois,

shouldnt these guys be voting laws forbidding semen based recipes in public restaurants!?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This one probably cant take a joke neither...

My philosophy : If you cant take a joke, then you've got issues.
To make my point, lets look at the political situation in the US.
Every political pundits that are funny are democrats. Name me one republican who can show the slightest sign of a sense of humour. You cant. Unless you think Ann Coulter is funny. But if what he/she says is humour, then she/he needs to be incarcerated.
My point being, why cant republican be funny? Because! They all think they hold the truth and nothing but the truth. They're fanatics. And fanatics cant laugh at themselves, or else they wouldnt be fanatics. It is this inability for self-deprecation that makes the republican pundits so not funny. And Ann Coulter and the other Bill O'reily definitely have got really hard core psychological issues.
Candyman, you need to loosen up man, take a joke every now and then, and maybe one day you'll see that voting for Harper is really not the best option for you.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The artists

I've always had a problem with artists that are over the top serious about their art. Its the arrogance, the unabashed display of ego love that kinda makes me sick.
I dont know.
Its all right to love your art. Its all right to love yourself.
I mean I love myself. And I love my art.
In fact, my art is important to me, as much as the viewer is important to me. It is my hope that they develop their... oh fuck this shit, man, ROCK OVER LONDON, ROCK OVER CHICAGO, DRY PROCESSED MEAT SAUSAGES, PART OF A COMPLETE BREAKFAST.
To Nerdlord

I'm flattered you read my philosophy on painting. However, for making fun of it in your blogger profile, I must promptly and assertively flip you the proverbial bird. Seriously: fuck you, find something better to do.
Another bike post from the "For The Blog Critics" collection
Hey hey!
I've been pushing zits and caca mous over this winter biking thing, especially with my non budget stopping me from buying the proper tires, which I dont even think I could fit on my Deep Vs (enlighten me Syco). Anyways, I think I just found the best solution!

* Zip tie every other rim section between spokes (range: 1 per 3 spokes or 1 per 1; depending on ice) on only rear wheel
* Place and center and tighten zip ties so that tie clasp is facing towards hub (not too tight, just tight enough to keep from moving and not pinching tire) and between spokes
* Test with 1 tie and spin wheel to check for tolerances with fenders and frame
* Trim off extra cable on all ties
* Push clasp to center it on rim facing hub
* Spin wheel to recheck
* Work around tire as needed (add more later if needed)
* 20+ zip ties (6+ inches in length) ~$3
* Large nail clippers
* Bike with hub or disk brakes on rear wheel
* Pedal in low gear smoothly and take shallow turns use only rear brake when possible
of course that riding technique would never be possible in my case... low gears is not an option, and disk brake? are you kidding me? what kind of rat soup eating moron would put a disk brake on his bike?
Anyways, the thing with winter biking is you cant fucking use your front brake! Or else you're flirting with front wheel skids and being horizontally teleported to the ground with the bonus violent impact is no fun way to travel. Basically you're riding brakeless, on ice, which is fucked.
I've been pushing zits and caca mous over this winter biking thing, especially with my non budget stopping me from buying the proper tires, which I dont even think I could fit on my Deep Vs (enlighten me Syco). Anyways, I think I just found the best solution!

* Zip tie every other rim section between spokes (range: 1 per 3 spokes or 1 per 1; depending on ice) on only rear wheel
* Place and center and tighten zip ties so that tie clasp is facing towards hub (not too tight, just tight enough to keep from moving and not pinching tire) and between spokes
* Test with 1 tie and spin wheel to check for tolerances with fenders and frame
* Trim off extra cable on all ties
* Push clasp to center it on rim facing hub
* Spin wheel to recheck
* Work around tire as needed (add more later if needed)
* 20+ zip ties (6+ inches in length) ~$3
* Large nail clippers
* Bike with hub or disk brakes on rear wheel
* Pedal in low gear smoothly and take shallow turns use only rear brake when possible
of course that riding technique would never be possible in my case... low gears is not an option, and disk brake? are you kidding me? what kind of rat soup eating moron would put a disk brake on his bike?
Anyways, the thing with winter biking is you cant fucking use your front brake! Or else you're flirting with front wheel skids and being horizontally teleported to the ground with the bonus violent impact is no fun way to travel. Basically you're riding brakeless, on ice, which is fucked.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
On a lighter note...
The blog has been a little depressing for the past couple of posts so I thought I'd add a nice photo I took while walking along the Lachine Canal.

Ooops, wrong photo. Oh well, next time then.

Ooops, wrong photo. Oh well, next time then.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Hope ? Change ?
Give me a fucking break.
This is for any of you who still think humanity can be saved from itself.
In light of this, I can only quote one famous Decepticon : "Your precious humans are nothing but imposters. Strip them of their core and what have you got? Selfish, scared animals ready for extermination! They're not like us, Prime. They stand for nothing but themselves. Join me and we can exterminate them forever."
This is for any of you who still think humanity can be saved from itself.
In light of this, I can only quote one famous Decepticon : "Your precious humans are nothing but imposters. Strip them of their core and what have you got? Selfish, scared animals ready for extermination! They're not like us, Prime. They stand for nothing but themselves. Join me and we can exterminate them forever."
Thursday, November 27, 2008
And now for something completely different..
I really don't know what to make of this but apparently they really understand wrestling in Japan. Awesome moments are one guy tea bagging one of the chicks and another where a bunch of Japanese permavirgins are encouraging the wrestler on and the very uncomfortable looking woman in the background.
I couldn't embed it and I probably shouldn't anyways for those who read this from work. Pretty much NSFW.
I couldn't embed it and I probably shouldn't anyways for those who read this from work. Pretty much NSFW.
Quebec: pas'd claouwse!

(image not related)
I can't believe I forgot to blog this. The other night, I was watching a canadiens game (I think it was the one against the Islanders). Georges Laraque was playing.

The game was in mid-stride when all of a sudden, the camera decides to focus onto two fans of his. One of them was black, but he other one wasn't. In fact, he really wanted to be to the point where he was dressed up as (you guessed it): a minstrel.

I wish I had an image, but I couldn't find one. I can't believe Nerdlord couldn't make it down the street whereas this guy did it in front of 21, 000+ people. Oh wait, he was with a black guy, and everybody else there was white. Nevermind. Anyhoot, he got way too much air-time because they showed him again. Conlusion: Quebec has no class.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Kinda looks like Dave Mustaine.

come to think of it, Dave Mustaine makes the perfect StarScream!
I should have modelled Megatron on James Hetfield...
More Palin
Have you ever noticed how Jizzabelle's voice is errily similar to Sarah Palin's?
Is it me?
''Some videos you just have to see to believe. On Thursday, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appeared in Wasilla in order to pardon a local turkey in anticipation of Thanksgiving. This proved to be a slightly absurd but ultimately unremarkable event. But what came next was positively surreal. After the pardon Palin proceeded to do an interview with a local TV station while the turkeys were being slaughtered in the background!! Seemingly oblivious to the gruesomeness going on over her shoulder, she carries on talking for over three minutes. Watch the video above to see for yourself.''
They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but no one has ever said you can't judge a child of God by her voice, tone and general manner of speaking. I have no doubts about Palin's drive and determination. However, if she is able to produce a truly structured and forward vision, she is hidding it pretty well behind her general ''façon d'être''
p.s. yes, by the last two words, I meant to reverse the steam of the great engine known as English Use In The French Language or EUITFL, pronounced 'ayyutful'. Of which the gnome I share my appartment with is a great facilatator, why just the other day, this exchange happenned:
Sycophantic Backstabber: Et la toilette?
Pazkal: Elle est clean.
Sycophanitc Backstabber: Propre?
Paszkal: Ah, euh, oui, c'est ça.
Is it me?
''Some videos you just have to see to believe. On Thursday, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appeared in Wasilla in order to pardon a local turkey in anticipation of Thanksgiving. This proved to be a slightly absurd but ultimately unremarkable event. But what came next was positively surreal. After the pardon Palin proceeded to do an interview with a local TV station while the turkeys were being slaughtered in the background!! Seemingly oblivious to the gruesomeness going on over her shoulder, she carries on talking for over three minutes. Watch the video above to see for yourself.''
They say you can't judge a book by its cover, but no one has ever said you can't judge a child of God by her voice, tone and general manner of speaking. I have no doubts about Palin's drive and determination. However, if she is able to produce a truly structured and forward vision, she is hidding it pretty well behind her general ''façon d'être''
p.s. yes, by the last two words, I meant to reverse the steam of the great engine known as English Use In The French Language or EUITFL, pronounced 'ayyutful'. Of which the gnome I share my appartment with is a great facilatator, why just the other day, this exchange happenned:
Sycophantic Backstabber: Et la toilette?
Pazkal: Elle est clean.
Sycophanitc Backstabber: Propre?
Paszkal: Ah, euh, oui, c'est ça.
Best Birthday For Jesus Ever!
Stephen Colbert is hosting a "War on the War on Christmas Special". I can't wait.

And besides, he's got the same fridge as the one in Chimo.

And besides, he's got the same fridge as the one in Chimo.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
You think you know mediocrity?
Here's an excerpt from one my "partners" in our group assignment:
"Evidemment Bombardier étant une entreprise elle cherchera a agrandir ses horizons ce qui est crucial et nous amène à parler des intervenants externes. Etant producteur mondial, mais de ce cote non plus tout ne marche pas comme sur de roulettes, les autres pays avec lesquels elle fait affaire, dans certain cas elles finissent mal.
Enfin le dernier mais pas le moindre l’environnement immédiat, elle occupe pratiquement tout la base de tout bon fonctionnement d’une organisation, société ou entreprise quelconque. Ce dernier comprend les consommateurs en d’autres termes qui couvrent tout ceux qui un produits fabrique entre ces murs . Prouver maintenant à plusieurs reprises il reste et demeure même avec ses concurrents le producteur mondial, avec ses nombreuses stratégies commerciales même avec des retard dans ces recherches elle y arrive ."
There are 3 other members in our group, and they all seem to be equally impaired.
Also, can I sleep at someone's place tonight? I'm trying to avoid psychological warfare at home.
"Evidemment Bombardier étant une entreprise elle cherchera a agrandir ses horizons ce qui est crucial et nous amène à parler des intervenants externes. Etant producteur mondial, mais de ce cote non plus tout ne marche pas comme sur de roulettes, les autres pays avec lesquels elle fait affaire, dans certain cas elles finissent mal.
Enfin le dernier mais pas le moindre l’environnement immédiat, elle occupe pratiquement tout la base de tout bon fonctionnement d’une organisation, société ou entreprise quelconque. Ce dernier comprend les consommateurs en d’autres termes qui couvrent tout ceux qui un produits fabrique entre ces murs . Prouver maintenant à plusieurs reprises il reste et demeure même avec ses concurrents le producteur mondial, avec ses nombreuses stratégies commerciales même avec des retard dans ces recherches elle y arrive ."
There are 3 other members in our group, and they all seem to be equally impaired.
Also, can I sleep at someone's place tonight? I'm trying to avoid psychological warfare at home.
Mediocrity Is Killing Me.
I've fucking had it!!!!

Life is slowly digesting me. I feel like a piece of bubblegum lodged in the lowest reaches of Backstabber's stomach: slowly burning up in stomach acid only to be shit out in three years. Then what happens? I end up either in rat's belly, consequently killing him and spending the next week being eaten by other rats and maggots; or I end up stuck in some kind of giant vat full of shit, getting bleached, chlorined, stretched, squashed, and dumped in the bowels of the mighty Saint-Laurence River.
This does not appeal to me.
So rather than lose my mind, I've decided to travel the United States in order to document it's decline. I want to photograph, draw, and paint the bog of stench slowly enveloping the entire country. I'm leaving some time in January for an undetermined amount of time.

No more mediocrity for me. I've completely lost my "Joie de vivre" and I'm on a quest to get it back. So shrooms this week-end, New York City next week-end, then I get ready for Christmas, New Year's and my trip.

Life is slowly digesting me. I feel like a piece of bubblegum lodged in the lowest reaches of Backstabber's stomach: slowly burning up in stomach acid only to be shit out in three years. Then what happens? I end up either in rat's belly, consequently killing him and spending the next week being eaten by other rats and maggots; or I end up stuck in some kind of giant vat full of shit, getting bleached, chlorined, stretched, squashed, and dumped in the bowels of the mighty Saint-Laurence River.
This does not appeal to me.
So rather than lose my mind, I've decided to travel the United States in order to document it's decline. I want to photograph, draw, and paint the bog of stench slowly enveloping the entire country. I'm leaving some time in January for an undetermined amount of time.

No more mediocrity for me. I've completely lost my "Joie de vivre" and I'm on a quest to get it back. So shrooms this week-end, New York City next week-end, then I get ready for Christmas, New Year's and my trip.
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