Although a ninja with blades and a gun will always be pretty cool.

Apparently they didnt even include Shipwreck.
They're probably saving him for the sequel, like they did with Soundwave.
Cheese and crabs. This is so depressing. Good thing I've got a naked 12 year old to look at.
Tisk, tisk. Definitely a movie made by insecure, rat soup-eating muthafuckahs.
You might know the director from his superb direction of such exhilarating hits as the mummy, the mummy returns, revenge of the mummy:the ride, and van helsing.
Fuck this.
Denis Quaid...give me a break.
The only good movie he ever was in was Innerspace.
The day after tomorrow was pretty good too.
But thats it for him.
Hes definitely in the rat soup category of hollywood actors, along with Keanu Reeves and that other guy from Transformers.
i smell cock!
Pour le woody
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