Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Thy Neighbour

I am not baptised or anything crazy foolishly religious, actually I think the most religious thing I have ever done was more spiritual, but really what does all this mean... Well I am referring to the neighbour story from Butter&Sugar. For some reason I was reading this entry last night in bed which by the way I never do, I usually save the blog for work time not play time... but I digress: so in bed last night while reading the B&S entry, the most godly thing happened: all I could think of was these rumours of ten commandments... some famous book written by some dudes writes about them... now here is the one I would like us all to pay attention to:

Thou shalt not covet.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.
Thou shalt not covet.

You may notice that there are three here... that technically mean the same thing... well apparently there are three different views on this http://biblescripture.net/Commandments.html page reference if needed

So these three dudes named JUDAISM*,AUGUSTINE and ORIGEN can't really agree but are truly saying the same thing... then we have #9:

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

So what is this word COVET and why am I now thinking about my neighbour in bed?

I head to my trustee wordsmyth website reference: http://www.wordsmyth.net/ and this is what I get when I drop in and search for the definition of COVET:

to envy or wish to possess (something belonging to another) inordinately or without right.

to want intensely.


She received the award she had coveted.

NOW... let's look at that example again, refer it back to the Definition #2, then bring to the top of this post with the 10th Commandment, scroll down to the 9th...


God damn I love my bed


Dementor said...

Its so easy to follow these commandments when your neighbour is a fat teenager guy with no wife.
(and is studying to become a cop)

Oh god... I'm coming back to Montreal this weekend. I cant take this anymore.

Woody Esplanade said...

covet this

Barbarosa said...

where did you get those cartoons, they're hilarious, especially the seconde one: "what if I can't find the hole!" hahaha!

Jobless in January said...

some people appreciate really good humour! miss you puri

alex trebek said...

you know the face a girl makes when you slip out in the middle of it and you wanna get back in right away and kinda aim a little low? it's all about the eyes and i've analyzed it before in my spare times (read: while studying...).
this is how her brains function in that fraction of a second "OH MY FUCKING GOD NOOOOOO!!!! WHAT AN IDIOT!!! JUST LIKE THIS??? IS HE CRAZY????? i can't let him see that i'm panicking!! ok sphincter!!! hold tight as you've never did before! eyes, be cool but give him shit!"
and this is how the guy brains function in that fraction of a second "oh... ooops... wait, why ooops, that'd be cool... damn..."

Dementor said...

One question Trebek, how do you see you're cum receptacle's face when you're doggerizing her?

Are you lovehandling her with one hand while the other is brandishing a mirror right in her face?