Monday, November 13, 2006

The BBC is racist!

Ok, I've had enough BBC. You've been my world news purveyor for a long time. You even withstood attacks by the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, RCI and PTI. I guess it took me all this time to finally realize what you were about. The humourous depiction of Africans. How can I still trust you when I read about a Ghanian mechanic, and you post this picture:

with this name: Darko.

Although that is better than refering to Mr. Chocolateface and his wife Cocoa, you went too far. Its over and irrepairable.


Dementor said...

Yo. This is so relevant with my life. Its insance because tomorrow, I have to handle this paper for my english class. So I'm writing it tonight. And I've manage to come up with this wicked subject. Its gnarly. Being a 100% serious, the subject is : "Why is the word nigger offensive."

Dementor said...

I meant hand in.
You know. Shiiiiii
Isnt that a mastermind coup de genie? I love myself.

alex trebek said...

is your professor of the black type?

Barbarosa said...

wow! If you're joking, that's funny. If you're serious, you've got a lot of guts. But using that title is just stupid.

And Trebek, I prefer saying black variety. It makes it sound more delicious.

Dementor said...

What do you mean I have a lot of guts. Its not like my title was : why is the word NOT offensive. Now that would require serious balls. ah, how I wish I had those.

Hamma said...

Of course the N word is offensive so when you have a title like
" Why the word N is offensive" , your title becomes offensive.

Dementor said...

Yeah, but then again my paper is not on how offensive is its own title. right?

Hamma said...

You're missing the point here.

Your title is offensive or rather retarded. Once the reader sees the title they have made up their mind that you are a moron and will disregard anything you are saying.

Wow. Really? The word nigger is offensive?

Barbarosa said...

Who's missing the point here? We already know its offensive. He is merely trying to enlighten us as to the why...

Hamma said...

You are being very offensive by insinuating that I am missing the point.


Barbarosa said...

You get the right to speak to me like that when you learn how to post a pic.

alex trebek said...

BAM! i believe i might have just heard the sound of BS's face hit amresh's hand. good job, hand! hand job? dunno.

Hamma said...

A picture of myself or a picture in general?

I don't know how to do either.

Woody Esplanade said...

exactly. so at this point you have 2 rights: 1. To shut-up. 2. To obey.

Dementor said...

its a cumcycle, stupid