Or won. Not my problem. Unlike Butter and Milk, I am actually choosing not to post a pic. That is because no pic will suffice. Basically this early afternoon in the métro, I had an epiphany. Which should be good. Except it felt more like whatever Hitler or Pol Pot were eating the day they lost it...(fridge sushi)
To make things clear, without even thinking of anything in particular, the new term for immigrants, MIGGER came to my head.
I am sorry. But it is too much for one man. For so long I struggled to find the correct term for those newly arrived economic agents: Immy, Mige, Im; It made no sense. Immy might be sorta nice, but migger kind of puts things in perspectice, especially if you have a variation of mohammed in your name...
Now, I have both nothing and everything against new arrivals. The battles seen in France and GB seem distant and irrelevant. Canada is not proctecting some racist concept of nationhood, we are merely the living embodyment of post-modernity,

Yes, as early as CEGEP I know that to learn something new, you have to forget what you know. THIS FROM MATH TEACHERS! Luckily CEGEP taught me everything I needed to know: The beautiful people are boring. Boring only exists when you become it. Life is beautiful like an ugly orphan.
This is the most poetic post to be submitted.
Did you get laid?
No. I was d-runk. Like bad booze, I get better with each drink.
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