Wednesday, November 15, 2006

disgusting pre-packed sushi....

i just had the most disgusting rubberry, dry sushi i've ever had in my entire life!!!! and what the fuck was i thinking anyway??? i'm at school, no lunch and they're serving disgusting fettuchini alfredo (chef cum sauce) at the cafe, which leaves me no other option than to grab something from the fridge and the wraps and sandwiches are gross.... so i see the sushi (prepacked) and think to myself, they must be disgusting but i feel daring today (always keeping in mind that i still haven't figured out how they can make such disgusting sandwiches (i mean a sandwich's a sandwich, it's really hard to miss!!!)... and that sushis are way harder to make than sandwiches. so i eat one and almost puke it right away, but i'm soooooo hungry and i just bought the shit! so i eat another one and i gag... and i eat another one and i feel nauseous and tell myself that i'll probably be spending the afternoon kissing the toilet... i ate 8 out of 9 cause i was too proud to throw it away and let the bad sushi win! i am now just understanding the expression "having an upset stomach"... yup! my stomach's damn mad at me!
if you don't hear from me again, please know that i died in the most painful agony known to man and a state of bitterness for food never experienced to this date.


Barbarosa said...

Well I certainly hope we never hear from him again. Sounds like he's in for a hell of a ride!

Jobless in January said...

what a suck! He should've had a gingerale with frigo sushi... only dumbasses don't know that trick.

alex trebek said...

it's not about the ginger ale you dumbfuck, i'm an idiot for buying it... period! get your facts straight!

Pablo Omar Palmeiro said...

You really made me laugh!! Fortunatelly I can´t "feel" how disgusting can be that sushi you ate, but don't worry, I got the picture.

Dementor said...

Enough with the hostilities already, , for love's sake, settle down children. Now, Trebek, if you want my advice (its not too late these suchis can take up to 3 days to be digested) down 26oz of JD in less than 45 minutes and live the pukorgasm session of your life.
I can tell you by experience that rotten suchi combined with a sufficient amount of malt liquor will give you multiple pukorgasms.
(be sure not to splash all the surroundings of your toilet though, cause the dried up suchi puke will be very hard to remove, with the glueing effect of the malt. At least thats what Michele told me... what? you think I would have scrapped it myself? eeewwwwwwww....)

Anonymous said...

Dude... that's a new guy there "taitapop" where did he come from...???

Barbarosa said...

I clicked ''next blog'' and his blog showed up. He has cool pics for wallpapers...I left him a message.

Wow, the guy seems like a nice guy, but it scares to think about what my friends might do...

alex trebek said...

well... he's naked on his pic... i'll always trust naked men...