Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Eat Shit And Die

This is to all you free-loading bloggers that get off on other people's posts just so you can feel important.

-You're not.


Dementor said...

what do you mean?

Dementor said...

I dont think you would necessarily die after eating shit. Well at least not directly because of it.
Surely the percentage of people who die after eating dejections would be elevated, but not because of the toxicity of the ingested matter, rather because of their way of life that is unsustainable.
I'm not sure about this though. Would Trebek or any other feckless imbecile be so kind as to give us a reading on the matter, the toxicity of shit that is. I expect it on the blog before noon tomorrow.

Dementor said...

To prove my point, there is that november terd picture of Piernitas with a limp of shit on his upper lip indicating he did indulge in a fecal fest in the past AND survived with extreme mental prejudice, but survived nevertheless.

Dementor said...

By the way, did you guys ever click on that next blog button on the upper section of the blog screen?
Lamest blog ever.

19bernard rules.

Jobless in January said...

is it the same "next blog" everytime or a different one?


did you get some PSA thing and then some halloween people with really bad costumes?

Dementor said...

You're right its different and lame every time. This time I fell on some ugly chick's picture of her trip in chicago or something.

19bernard rules.