Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Good parenting...

Walking home from work I spotted this little gem and I must say I can't wait to advertise my contempt for my own children someday by hanging out at a shitty bar on Sunday nights. I think this is a message we can all find solace in: growing up and becoming parents doesn't mean we have to stop being alcoholics! Hooray!


Woody Esplanade said...

I couldn't possibly fail to disagree with you less.

Barbarosa said...

Illegal sentence Cassinova!

alex trebek said...

yeah, seriously cass... i just heard about 32 synapses explode in my brains... stop that shit please...

alex trebek said...

by brains i meant brain.

Dementor said...

I would be lying if I didnt believe the opposite of what you wouldnt have said if you had said the contrary of what you just invagination.

Anonymous said...

That bar's a goddamn blessing. I used to go there all the time. 15 year olds on coke, careless over-tanned 45 year olds named Linda and a jukebox with Journey in it, what could beat that?

Karl Hungus said...

Vomit on the sidewalk.

Oh wait! I see that everyday when I walk by.

alex trebek said...

i love journey.... in a drunken nineteenbernardant kinda way...

Anonymous said...

But isn't vomit on the sidewalk the obvious sign of a tremendously amazing party? What is wrong with you people? I may or may not have my judgement influenced by the fact I myself work in a horrible dive, but those are the best. I'd rather sit down with real fuck-ups and alcoholics than hang out where people pretend being drunk!

P.s everyone come see me at primetime, i'm so lonely. Yesterday this guy opened his mouth to show me the supposedly tattoo on his tongue, and he started laughing irrationnally and pointing at what seemed to be a humongous CAVITY.

" har har har, i gotcha " he shouted, as I turned around pretending to do the dishes. Then i cried a little inside.

Since when people stopped being funny? Fill me in.

Woops i'm pulling a trebek-style comment. I better shut up.


Karl Hungus said...

Hey! No Shit! You met my dad last night?