Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Fatal Attraction

I'm afraid to admit that I have strange obsessions with men. I came across this photo on the web and I can't stop staring at it. He has me trapped in his gaze like a deer trapped in someone's undercarriage. I love him, but I don't know why. All that I know for sure is that he will probably be the end of me, or at least break my heart.


Dementor said...

Yes this man is indeed excruciatingly charming, and I would trust my life to him.

Dementor said...

But wait...

It cant be!

Thats Ernest Borgnine! The actor!
Who played Santini in Airwolf!
I knew he was still alive!


no wait, thats not him at all.

alex trebek said...

you know when you're having sex with an old fat hairy man with a beard and in the middle of it you slip out and you wana get it back in right away and... oh wait... wrong blog.

carry on.