ahhhhhhh.... once again, I am facing the abyssal precipice of defeat.
Vertigo, nausea, cold sweats, I am battling anxiety with the will to withstand a shameful surrender, but it is hard. How humbled can one be? In the game of life, you either win or lose, there are no middles. From my youngest age to the time I realized he was a wrongful prick, my father repeatedly told me : "Salaud, failure is a very ugly thing". Even though I dont agree and I deem him an extremist asshole, goshdarnit, it is true in some way, and I'd still like to win for a change.
Lets be winners for once. Lets find a way, an endeavour, lets think of something that will make us be able to say : Yes, this is what we have accomplished, it took a long time and hard work, but we did it. We won this one and now we are going to celebrate, and this celebration will have a meaning for once.
So come up with something, I am too overwhelmed by this setback right now. Seriously.
A movie maybe?
What happened?
I have had many failures in my life.
Having said that, try to find a way to deal with this set-back.
It will not be easy.
One last thing.....
Life is about middles. Good and bad go together.
Yes, like a woman. The middle part is the best. Feet are good, head bad.
it's funny cause it's true...
a stupid girl's boring and a clever girl's simply smarter than you and that's unacceptable.
which prompts the following questions: why haven't scientists found a way to make headless women yet???? oh... right, they waited way too long, stupid morons and now the male scientists are being outnumbered by the evil vagina-wearing scientists...
mmmmmmm...vaginas... good.
a movie maybe?
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