salaud introduced me to the wonders of the next blog button... it's fantastic!! thanks to him, i've quadrupled my innefficiency (and coincidently, my nineteenbernardancy - please see related post).
so the button often leads you to boring blogs about narcissists who think that we want to know about their trip to ibiza or guantanamo.
keep on next-blogging and you'll find some gems!!!
like this one, found at
"Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I haven't got a love map. Because, i don't think about this topic. We suppose to have a love map. It may be this it. Firstly, i will graduate the university. Then, i will get a job. Then i will meet a beautiful and polite wife. Then i will meet her. if i agree with her, we may marriage. I want some feature my wife. These are mental and physcal feature. For instance of physcal feature, she has blue eyes, 1.70m length and effective physc. Other side, she has some mental feature. we react an agreement each other. For instance, we sometimes like same thing such as food, films and music. Briefly,similarty is very important for me."
this guy's a genius!
"Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I think, i have a good memory and a brain. So i am a mathematical intelligence. For instance, i am a successful student in mathematical lesson such as phsics, mathematic, chemstiry. may be for this reason, i like to calculation. I have like to calculation since i was chilhood. Briefly, i am a mathematical intelligence. Also i want to be a good engineer."
and oh my fucking god!!! what about this one... i'm not posting it cause it needs the pictures and it's long, but read the whole thing.. it's hilariousness i tell you!
seriously... click it!
OH MY GOD...I clicked the link... I can't believe this is for real... I can not not not... oh dear...
This man clearly has mental features. Too bad I cannot read his post though, as I am in a public area, and there are some people who might be offended by his pictures.
And you know how much I dont like offending people.
can you believe that bright blue thing?
Don't believe what you read. I used to be an underwear model and those things are NOT comfortable. Sure they can help score some old bearded man with haunting eyes or that woman at La Remise with no teeth that give the best head ever, but shift in your pants the wrong way and...
I cant wait to put my resignation goggles tonight and turn myself on with those wet white trousers I'll be wearing.
The hell with it, I'll just put them on right away.
King City is not that bad afterall. oooh! what is this sticking under my shoe... well look at that it seems to be a piece of pizza... and... yeah! theres still cheese on it! thats a keeper !
Hell yes!
Are you as turned on as I am?
I wouldn't mind getting slapped across the face by one of those boys...well maybe the shaved ones. Gross. Don't overdue the trimming, it looks retarded.
you mean overdo? as in don't do it too much or overdue as in this trimming's long overdue? i'm confused.
It's Overdew, you idiot, like too much morning condensation.
morning condensation, like too much "humidity" on your face?
Anyways, I find it really sad that the "next blog" was so stupendous so quickly. How will we ever find better? I feel like that dude who was on the hill with the ten commandments. I mean after that, where can you go but down hill? Luckily, that is what I call my butt.
I made a spelling mistake, my apologies.
I meant OVERDO as in too much.
We've gone too far with all this waxing and shaving of the genitals.
Yeah, time for some cuttin'!
yeah... trim, don't wax...
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