Monday, November 6, 2006

Gift for Salaud

This should help you end your "unsufferable anguish." Especially when you find out its insufferable.


alex trebek said...

well i just got back from work but i gotta go now so you guys keep on blogging in a fucking weirdass depressing internet galaxy of a world.
sorry i should be more positivitit.

Dementor said...

yeah, but your mom's a bus so ...
(for further details, refer to comment #28 on positivititties post)

All right. Thats all folks.

I'm just gonna make a headstand, do a 360 mcfly on the powerslide over an underflip 180, hold the crack necking position and handwalk away from the computer, all along while pulling an ectropion.
(look it up guys, I cant believe theres actually a word for this. Geez, I hope the guy who came up with it got a nobel or something... I mean, wow, super sized kudos to him)

Dementor said...

darn... I'm still here...

one last thing... on november first, on dave's "guilty" post, I commented that he was a "looser". Of course, you will have understood that I did not mean loser, but that I mispelled "booser", as in when someone is boosing. you know.
All right. Thats it for today.
I'm out.
The lab's closing anyways.
So I have to go.
Its not as if I was gonna stay even if the clerk wants me out.
I might just push it though.
Just to see.
Just to see if he's going to do anything else than replace every chair in the lab and closing every stations except mine. Maybe he'll go as far as to close the lights while I'm still here ! this is so exciting.



Dementor said...

oh yeah, and while I'm waiting to get kicked out of the lab amresh, you should check yourself before you wreck yourself, cause both unsufferable and insufferable are acceptable.



what do you mean I have to leave!?

Cant you see I'm not done here?

There is still some commenting to be done ! You cannot expulse me!

all right, keep your damn lab to yourself, you fucking looser !

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Here I am guys! Wait...where is everybody?

Barbarosa said...

unsufferable is not acceptable. I know you're lying. BLOGMASTER! Salaud is lying again!

Oh, and its boozer not booser. Lebtard.