Monday, November 6, 2006

Damn Credit Card

So I was sitting here typing away when I realized that the plants in my appartment probably weren't providing me with enough oxygen, especially since I'm competing for it with my cats. Rather than go outside (where the real world exists...theoretically), I decided to ask the internet for help. I ended up purchasing this oxygen distibution /slash/ blogging chair. The only problem is that it will only beee arrivbing inn abooout 6 to 8 weeeksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss....................';;,/


Barbarosa said...

OMG! I dreamt about that chair last night in my dreams!

Karl Hungus said...

It doesn't come with the girl, Amresh.

Barbarosa said...

Dreams don't lie 'doff. Get it straight.

Dementor said...

what the hell? women are chairs now? geez this is way too much ununderstable. I'm just going to slowly back away from the computer, and leave the computer lab.
Here I go.



I'm still here.

Dementor said...

"ununderstable" : the state of not being below the normal everyday stableness.

Barbarosa said...

Don't you mean "ununderstable" : the state of not being below the normal everyday tableness.

Dementor said...

(I'm supposed to be gone now... or else dave will label me a looser. Which would be the lowest point ever recorded in the looser's almanach.
So I cant comment this. Sorry.)

Barbarosa said...

the lowest point is mispelling loser. loser. Brafuckingvo!

Dementor said...

Darn! I've been mispelling that word ever since I started speaking english! How many people did I label a loser in a mispelled fashion? How many of them noticed?
Oh, the anguish! The unsufferable anguish!