Monday, November 6, 2006

colostomy bag

yup! i'm just that fucking lazy! i want one for christmas!


Karl Hungus said...

You can borrow mine.

Barbarosa said...

Don't be a regifter 'doff.

alex trebek said...

fuck! you don't understand anything puri??? it's not 'doff, it's off! that way you can tell off to fuck off! fuck off off! i hate repeating myself!

Barbarosa said...

ok, I'll do it for you.

fuck! you don't understand anything puri??? it's not 'doff, it's off! that way you can tell off to fuck off! fuck off off! i hate repeating myself!

Karl Hungus said...

Could you repeat that, I wasn't reading.

alex trebek said...

crap crap...

Barbarosa said...

Also, doff means stupid in German. Its not the only way though, Turk works just as well.

Karl Hungus said...

What are you, Armenian?!?

alex trebek said...

he's fucking international... i hate this guy... LAST WORD FUCKER!

Karl Hungus said...

what do you mean?

Karl Hungus said...


Dementor said...

I cant believe this.
I have now proof that Trebek is a blogpsycho.
I know this because he posts on the blog using the live simultaneous running windows opened in the vertical cascade-like organized screen.
I know this because at 4:37 PM today, he was commenting on both the "colostomy bag" post and the "positivities" post at the same exact time,which can only be done by using the live simultaneous running windows opened in the vertical cascade-like organized screen.
I knew it !
You damn blog-psycho !

Karl Hungus said...

Yeah! Give it a rest!

Dementor said...

enough is enough !


Where was I?

Barbarosa said...

Its positiviTITIES Salaud, and don't you forget it!

alex trebek said...

why the fuck does my minestrone soup taste la bacon???