Monday, November 6, 2006

c'est mon vice


I think that means "good madam". Anyways, I thought I should mention to you Cenovis fans out there that my contacts form Switzerland told me that the powdered kind (read better kind) of Cenovis can no longer be found in the Nazi gold / Red Cross country. Turns out the swiss never liked it. But since they're so filthy rich, it seems it took 30 years for the laws of supply and demand to take effect. I figure I might as well go there and open a 100 swiss franc chocolate bar stand. I would
even have a competitive advantage as I would be selling good quality Quebec chocolate. But back
to my point. There is a substitute out there for powdered Cenovis called Aromat. I can hook you guys up with some at only 17.99 CAD (That's 19.99 in swiss francs) a pop. Naturally, this should cover
all the travel
and licensing fees if you guys order a good amount (tell your friends). I don't expect to make
a profit, of course. I would travel to Switzerland only to give you guys good quality Aromat,
how selfless I am. And whatever you do, do not go looking for it here. Trust me,
you will not find any, especially not at 2,50$. Don't even think about looking in the spices section at 4 frères. Doing so would only embarass you and mar your previously
unquestionable faith. And if
you think you saw some, it was just your eyes, the devil or the scientific community playing tricks on you.

So, any takers?


alex trebek said...

what on earth are you talking about? you just wasted some of my irrelevant time!

Anonymous said...

Trebek, I thought that was called your life.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Not enough swear words to fill in the blanks, Trebek? Hayo!

Dementor said...

Nevermind that feckless ignorant trebek, Piernitas, place me a 150 order. CENOVIS, c'est notre vice!

alex trebek said...

i fucking hate this motherfucking dumbass bitchface cumdumpster of an anonymous poster! oh whatever...