Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ummm.... guys.......

I had a dream I did something bad.

I think the weather's driving me crazy...

...so I'm heading off to the Biodome this week to be in the rainforest for a day.

before I do something stupid...

...who's in?


Barbarosa said...

Maybe me. What day or evening?

Dementor said...

I'd rather do stupid things than go to the Biodome.
Of course by stupid things I mean Sausage Fest featuring Kill Zone 2 and GOW3. But it would have to be at someone's with a big fucking TV. I'm tired of wasting pixels on Bonerpants shitty tube.

Anyways, say hi to Capibara for me.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Actually, I wanna go just to say hi to Capybara.

Master of the Craw said...

There's also Street Fighter IV that came out last week if anyone is interested.
I actually played it online the other day and got destroyed by someone who had chosen the name "Paintrain"
no joke.

Karl Hungus said...

God of War 3 doesn't even have a release date yet. But Killzone 2 is coming out on Friday. I can pretty much guaranty a games night the following week-end.

As for the Biodome date, I'll let you know.

Karl Hungus said...

I want a Capybara.