Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Panty Party means Party Party!!!!

so... friday nights at green room have been pretty packed and purdy fun too and this week will be no exception as there will be a wicked show at 9 PM (21h00 qibitch) by the great PORNOROBO who are great and that's why i said the great PORNOROBO. they will most definetely dig through your ears and reach for your brain and then proceed to eat it and shit it back in your mouth for your greatest pleasure. the show is at 9 PM (that's 21hoo qibitch)... oh? i alreadysaid that? that's cause i know most of you will show up at 10 PM (that's 22h00 qibitch) thinking that all shows are late, but this one isn't. it's also pay as you can cause bastard pop have to pay for the soundtech and it'd suck if all of you cheapass muthafuckas pay with the last bite of bagel you just picked on your way over.
and then, make sure to wear your best bobettes cause bastard pop party goes panty party all night... fun huh? be there loafers!!


Dementor said...

I dont understand.

Dementor said...

You mean I should show up in panties?

Dementor said...

Life is disgusting.

alex trebek said...

no... you're a shit-yourself-idiot.... you wear pants, but underneath, you wear panties and then you pull your pants down on the dancefloor and all the people who weren't aware of the panty party scream and leave...

Barbarosa said...

I'm going to wear my india undies...the ones with the rat-holes in 'em...

Jobless in January said...

I don't wear panties !

my hour is 24h00 ~!

alex trebek said...


Barbarosa said...

Is that what we're calling your anal herpies now?