"Je suis fasciné par l'air. Si on enlevait l'air du ciel,tous les oiseaux tomberaient par terre . .. Et les avions aussi .. En même temps l'air tu peux pas le toucher ... Ca existe et ça existe pas .Ca nourrit l'homme sans qu'il ait faim ... It's magic L'air c'est beau en même temps tu peux pas le voir, c'est doux et peux pas le toucher . L'air c'est un peu comme mon cerveau"
JC Van Damme
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Le gouvernement québécois confirme la mise en vigueur, le 14 janvier prochain, du Règlement sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) des véhicules. Ces normes équivalent à celles de la Californie et seraient les plus sévères en Amérique du Nord.
Une quinzaine d'États américains ont approuvé ces normes.
Le gouvernement des États-Unis a également annoncé son intention d'adopter des normes équivalentes à celles de la Californie en 2012.
Le Règlement s'appliquera au parc de voitures et de camions légers des années modèles 2010 à 2016. Les constructeurs devront s'assurer, pour chacune de ces années modèles, que la moyenne des émissions de GES de leur parc de véhicules n'excède pas les normes établies.
Au Québec, en 2006, c'est le secteur des transports qui produisait le plus d'émissions de GES, soit 40 % des émissions québécoises. Environ la moitié de ces émissions étaient générées par les véhicules légers.
Selon le ministère de l'Environnement, le Règlement favorisera une utilisation plus rationnelle des ressources pétrolières non renouvelables et diminuera la dépendance du Québec envers le pétrole.
Radio-Canada.ca avec
Presse canadienne
Une quinzaine d'États américains ont approuvé ces normes.
Le gouvernement des États-Unis a également annoncé son intention d'adopter des normes équivalentes à celles de la Californie en 2012.
Le Règlement s'appliquera au parc de voitures et de camions légers des années modèles 2010 à 2016. Les constructeurs devront s'assurer, pour chacune de ces années modèles, que la moyenne des émissions de GES de leur parc de véhicules n'excède pas les normes établies.
Au Québec, en 2006, c'est le secteur des transports qui produisait le plus d'émissions de GES, soit 40 % des émissions québécoises. Environ la moitié de ces émissions étaient générées par les véhicules légers.
Selon le ministère de l'Environnement, le Règlement favorisera une utilisation plus rationnelle des ressources pétrolières non renouvelables et diminuera la dépendance du Québec envers le pétrole.
Radio-Canada.ca avec
Presse canadienne
Sunday, December 27, 2009
JCVD : The wisdome of JCVD - 6
"Je crois au moment. S'il n'y a pas le moment, à ce moment-là, il faut arriver à ce moment-là, au moment qu'on veut "
J.C VanDamme
J.C VanDamme
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
JCVD : The wisdome of JCVD - 5
"T'as pas besoin d'un flash quand tu photographies un lapin qui a déjà les
yeux rouges."
J.C VanDamme
yeux rouges."
J.C VanDamme
Saturday, December 19, 2009
JCVD : The wisdome of JCVD - 4
"Si tu invites des gens qui ont tous le même groupe sanguin a une fête, mais que tu le leur dis pas, ils vont parler d'autre chose."
J.C VanDamme
J.C VanDamme
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
I watched the interview. I thought it was pretty interesting.

Watch it here
By the way, that whole episode was pretty good. I especially liked the report on manufacturing human body parts. We are waaaaaaaayyy farther along than I thought. Check out the 60 minutes website if you want to watch it.

Watch it here
By the way, that whole episode was pretty good. I especially liked the report on manufacturing human body parts. We are waaaaaaaayyy farther along than I thought. Check out the 60 minutes website if you want to watch it.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
JCVD : The wisdome of JCVD - 3
"Si t'es perdu dans la forêt et que tu restes immobile pendant deux ans, il va pousser de la mousse sur un côte de tes jambes. C'est le nord."
J.C VanDamme
J.C VanDamme
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
So I can remember us arguing one night about Tom Morello of Rage. One of us had just bought Guitar Hero Legends and we were confused as to why he was one of the main characters in the game since there was nothing special about his songs. Well ever since then I've kept an ear open to his music. I've concluded that he deserved to be in the game but that the songs chosen didn't do him credit. He's awesome.
Here's a clip from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th anniversary concert where he plays The Ghost of Tom Joad with Bruce Springsteen. The video sucks in this one but the audio's good.
Here's a clip from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 25th anniversary concert where he plays The Ghost of Tom Joad with Bruce Springsteen. The video sucks in this one but the audio's good.
JCVD : The wisdome of JCVD - 2
"Si tu parles à ton eau de javel pendant que tu fais la lessive, elle est
moins concentrée."
J.C VanDamme
moins concentrée."
J.C VanDamme
Monday, December 7, 2009
JCVD : The wisdome of JCVD - 1
We've all received forwards. They ressemble what's on TV in that most of them are pure crap. But once in a while, a gem arises, like a swallowed diamond in a steaming pile of shit. It is with great pleasure that I present to you the wisdom of Jean-Claude Van Damme. I have twelve (12) of them. I shall tickle your brain with one a day, in no particular order. I think you'll agree that their beauty needs no visual enhancements.
"Si tu attends le mois d'octobre pour faire des poissons d'avril, tu
attrapes plus de gens."
J.C VanDamme
"Si tu attends le mois d'octobre pour faire des poissons d'avril, tu
attrapes plus de gens."
J.C VanDamme
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Jack the Ripper, indeed!
Jesus H. Christ!
I was procrastinating on the net and doing some personal scientific research on serial killers when I stumbled upon this interesting site...
Now now, don't cry out of outrage and accuse me of trying to shock you, people, I'm just doing this in the interest of science. Those were pictures taken by men of science, mind you.
So, if you don't have the guts to review all the listed photos, you should at least take a glimpse at old Jack the Ripper's victims. They're easier on the stomach, since they were taken more then a century ago.
His name will probably make more sense once you've seen them.
There's also a neat one of a decomposed Gacy victims skull, I thought I should mention.
Anyhow, have a nice weekend, buddies, and stay away from fat clowns, and/or dark alleys.
I was procrastinating on the net and doing some personal scientific research on serial killers when I stumbled upon this interesting site...
Now now, don't cry out of outrage and accuse me of trying to shock you, people, I'm just doing this in the interest of science. Those were pictures taken by men of science, mind you.
So, if you don't have the guts to review all the listed photos, you should at least take a glimpse at old Jack the Ripper's victims. They're easier on the stomach, since they were taken more then a century ago.
His name will probably make more sense once you've seen them.
There's also a neat one of a decomposed Gacy victims skull, I thought I should mention.
Anyhow, have a nice weekend, buddies, and stay away from fat clowns, and/or dark alleys.
Friday, December 4, 2009
losing it, again. But this time's for real. I AM LOSING IT.
Dear Bernard,
I'm sad...
You know, a man works hard for 30 hours, and then, in a matter of 15 seconds, all his work gets lost, because said man gives in the wrong version of his program.........
... whats a man supposed to do?

At least there's this guy to make feel neat again. Boy, what would I do without music...
I'm sad...
You know, a man works hard for 30 hours, and then, in a matter of 15 seconds, all his work gets lost, because said man gives in the wrong version of his program.........
... whats a man supposed to do?

At least there's this guy to make feel neat again. Boy, what would I do without music...
Someone tell Spazz
Their portfolio isn't really stellar as far as internally developed games are concerned but they do control the excellent Company of Heroes (courtesy of Relic) and they have exclusive rights to the Warhammer 4K universe (Dawn of War II was also developed by Relic).
The city of Montreal can add another gaming studio to its ranks, as THQ has announced plans for its biggest studio yet: THQ Montreal. The new development house will focus on "creating core games for THQ" and assisting with titles developed by the company's other studios worldwide. THQ Montreal is expected to create some 400 new jobs in the Quebec province, with THQ's Paradigm Entertainment head, Dave Gatchel, overseeing operations when the studio opens in mid-2010.
THQ VP Steve DeCosta says it's not just the tax breaks that make Montreal such an appealing place to set up shop, but also the talent pool in the region -- sentiments shared by neighboring Ontario minister Sandra Pupatello.
Their portfolio isn't really stellar as far as internally developed games are concerned but they do control the excellent Company of Heroes (courtesy of Relic) and they have exclusive rights to the Warhammer 4K universe (Dawn of War II was also developed by Relic).
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Anything going on this weekend?
I have a friend coming in from out of town and I'm not the kind of person who really keeps his ear to the ground when it comes to things like social events.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
Monday, November 30, 2009
When the year 2009 came, I thought: Cool. The future. The year picked by many an 80’s science fiction writer to avoid the obvious rounding off at 2010 (I presume). It is a Dolph Lundgren movie. It’s also common enough to not be a prime number year. It is innocuous, plain and unsuspecting. So who cares about 2009? Forget 2009. Even the blog had a bad year. I bet even Anonymous (that asshole) had a bad year.
This is 2009

Like a walking shit, it is a creature whose properties do not normally allow for subsistence. It is a monster that has one month left to live. It is what 2007 accidentally created despite 2006’s warning and what 2008 forgot to nurture.
I’m a firm believer in new beginnings so I trust 2010 will be the golden year that 2018 will vainly try to imitate and that 2028 will ignore altogether. And I wish this for everyone whose salad days seem far behind. We’re not getting old. We’re just having trouble adapting. So yes, a month in advance, I bid you all a happy new year.
This is 2009
Like a walking shit, it is a creature whose properties do not normally allow for subsistence. It is a monster that has one month left to live. It is what 2007 accidentally created despite 2006’s warning and what 2008 forgot to nurture.
I’m a firm believer in new beginnings so I trust 2010 will be the golden year that 2018 will vainly try to imitate and that 2028 will ignore altogether. And I wish this for everyone whose salad days seem far behind. We’re not getting old. We’re just having trouble adapting. So yes, a month in advance, I bid you all a happy new year.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Plaisirs Coupables Guilty Pleasures
Savez, moi, dans la vie... y a pas grand chose dont j'ai honte, et d'habitude je m'assume pleinement en tant que digne et fier représentant des exclus sociaux communément appelés: les rejets.
Mais, bon, faut dire que je suis, même si ça peut surprendre, humain, et il y a peut-être quelques exemples où cette règle est un peu moins bien appliquée, plus particulièrement dans le domaine de la musique. Et oui, je le déclare, j'ai des plaisirs coupables. C'est-à-dire qu'en éprouvant des sentiments agréables à l'écoute de certaines pièces, et qu'en contemplant l'image sociale renvoyée par l'artiste performant ladite pièce, je peux ressentir une certaine appréhension quant à l'idée de me voir associé à l'artiste rejet.
En guise d'exorciser cette culpabilité déplacée, je me propose donc d'afficher un de ces plaisirs qui me mine la conscience depuis bientôt presque 20 ans et dont il serait inutile et vain de continuer à craindre l'opprobe qu'il m'attirerait indubitablement.
Oui, j'ai toujours aimé, j'aime encore, et j'aimerai probablement toute ma vie cette chanson.
Voilà. Etiquettez moi comme vous voudrez, je fais fi de vos regards désapprobateurs et me drappe dans l'image sublimement rebutante du néo-hippie grunge rejet des débuts 90.
Et le comble dans tout ça, c'est que peut-être, ce serait trop beau, mais peut-être que je vais faire un spectacle avec ce groupe à nul autre date que le 25 décembre. Je souhaite de tout mon coeur que la salle soit plus vide que le vide interstellaire, car il n'y a rien de plus rejet que faire un show en première partie de la tournée de réunion des spin doctor le 25 décembre en 2009, et je mets au défi quiconque de me prouver le contraire.
Mais, bon, faut dire que je suis, même si ça peut surprendre, humain, et il y a peut-être quelques exemples où cette règle est un peu moins bien appliquée, plus particulièrement dans le domaine de la musique. Et oui, je le déclare, j'ai des plaisirs coupables. C'est-à-dire qu'en éprouvant des sentiments agréables à l'écoute de certaines pièces, et qu'en contemplant l'image sociale renvoyée par l'artiste performant ladite pièce, je peux ressentir une certaine appréhension quant à l'idée de me voir associé à l'artiste rejet.
En guise d'exorciser cette culpabilité déplacée, je me propose donc d'afficher un de ces plaisirs qui me mine la conscience depuis bientôt presque 20 ans et dont il serait inutile et vain de continuer à craindre l'opprobe qu'il m'attirerait indubitablement.
Oui, j'ai toujours aimé, j'aime encore, et j'aimerai probablement toute ma vie cette chanson.
Voilà. Etiquettez moi comme vous voudrez, je fais fi de vos regards désapprobateurs et me drappe dans l'image sublimement rebutante du néo-hippie grunge rejet des débuts 90.
Et le comble dans tout ça, c'est que peut-être, ce serait trop beau, mais peut-être que je vais faire un spectacle avec ce groupe à nul autre date que le 25 décembre. Je souhaite de tout mon coeur que la salle soit plus vide que le vide interstellaire, car il n'y a rien de plus rejet que faire un show en première partie de la tournée de réunion des spin doctor le 25 décembre en 2009, et je mets au défi quiconque de me prouver le contraire.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Hmm.. Better...
I don't have cable at home so on many occasions I end up watching politicians yell at each other in the National Assembly. I have to admit that it's been an emotional rollercoaster. I've had a few laughs, got pissed, and even yelled "right on!".

I don't like the Liberals too much under Charest, but I do like his environment minister, Line Beauchamp. She's got a good head on her shoulders and is a good fighter (not to mention that being a woman in that room full of bullies and babies is no easy task). I also believe Quebec should seperate, but in a Quebec Solidaire type of way - Go Amir Khadir! Yel le le le le ayi ayi ayi *gunshot* *gunshot*
Anyways, I'm totally rambling but I just wanted to mention that Quebec isn't following Harper in his "Do nothing despite what the world is telling me" attitude. I'm glad to live in a province that is willing to take things into it's own hands. I guess it's not so bad being a minority in a minority after all.
Québec fixe sa cible de réduction des gaz à effet de serre à 20 % d'ici 2020 par rapport à 1990.
Le premier ministre Jean Charest a confirmé cet objectif lundi, lors d'un discours devant le Conseil des relations internationales de Montréal.
Son gouvernement s'était engagé à prendre position avant la conférence internationale de Copenhague, au Danemark, qui doit avoir lieu du 7 au 18 décembre prochain.
Lors de consultations préliminaires, la ministre de l'Environnement, Line Beauchamp, avait suggéré quatre scénarios de réduction des gaz à effets de serre: 10 % par rapport à 1990, 12 %, 15 % comme le préconise l'Ontario, ou 20 % à l'image des pays européens.
M. Charest a souligné qu'en réduisant les émissions de 20 %, le Québec émettra huit tonnes de gaz à effet de serre par habitant, comparativement à neuf tonnes pour l'Europe.
Ce scénario est toutefois en deçà des objectifs recommandés par les Nations unies, soit une réduction de 25 % à 40 % d'ici 2020.
Radio-Canada.ca avec
Presse canadienne

I don't like the Liberals too much under Charest, but I do like his environment minister, Line Beauchamp. She's got a good head on her shoulders and is a good fighter (not to mention that being a woman in that room full of bullies and babies is no easy task). I also believe Quebec should seperate, but in a Quebec Solidaire type of way - Go Amir Khadir! Yel le le le le ayi ayi ayi *gunshot* *gunshot*
Anyways, I'm totally rambling but I just wanted to mention that Quebec isn't following Harper in his "Do nothing despite what the world is telling me" attitude. I'm glad to live in a province that is willing to take things into it's own hands. I guess it's not so bad being a minority in a minority after all.
Québec fixe sa cible de réduction des gaz à effet de serre à 20 % d'ici 2020 par rapport à 1990.
Le premier ministre Jean Charest a confirmé cet objectif lundi, lors d'un discours devant le Conseil des relations internationales de Montréal.
Son gouvernement s'était engagé à prendre position avant la conférence internationale de Copenhague, au Danemark, qui doit avoir lieu du 7 au 18 décembre prochain.
Lors de consultations préliminaires, la ministre de l'Environnement, Line Beauchamp, avait suggéré quatre scénarios de réduction des gaz à effets de serre: 10 % par rapport à 1990, 12 %, 15 % comme le préconise l'Ontario, ou 20 % à l'image des pays européens.
M. Charest a souligné qu'en réduisant les émissions de 20 %, le Québec émettra huit tonnes de gaz à effet de serre par habitant, comparativement à neuf tonnes pour l'Europe.
Ce scénario est toutefois en deçà des objectifs recommandés par les Nations unies, soit une réduction de 25 % à 40 % d'ici 2020.
Radio-Canada.ca avec
Presse canadienne
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Just thought I'd mention...
I feel like I've been in the city for too long. I think it's time I headed to the country. Email me your schedules for the next couple of week-ends. I'd like to plan something.

...something special.

...something special.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Since I spend 90% of time right now waiting for shit to compile...
I stubmled upon this. I just realized that I really really love Tim Schaffer and I'm kind of disappointed in myself that I never finished psychonauts. I'm going to be playing all his classics in chronological order and I'll climax with Brutal Legends which hopefully we all get to play at some point in the not so distant future.
Event Next Week

Anybody interested in going? There are going to be some cool artists there. The kind that Karl Hungus craves. I can reserve tickets for anyone that wants to go. Let me know if you're interested.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I thought it would be wise to post the whole thing. Makes you realize how small your troubles are.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New Name
I'm sick of Candyman. I don't even consider myself a Candyman anyways. I shall now be known as Karl Hungus. If you don't know who he is, rent Logjammin'

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Le professeur Tim Flannery, du Copenhagen Climate Councilque, a déclaré à la Presse canadienne que le piètre bilan du Canada en matière de réduction des émissions de GES lui avait fait perdre toute crédibilité sur la question.
Selon lui, le Canada est « de loin » le pays qui respecte le moins ses obligations par rapport au protocole de Kyoto. Il estime que les Canadiens, par l'entremise de leur gouvernement, ont pris des engagements et doivent les honorer d'une façon ou d'une autre.
M. Flannery ajoute que le Canada devra agir afin de réduire les émissions de GES, notamment celles du secteur des sables bitumineux."
Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The other day I opened ma tv and fell on that part of the Legendary Movie, at about the 12th second of the following video, which led me to believe I might very well be the chosen one:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009

photo unrelated
Do we even have the game? Is Spazzio's an option? If it is, someone better call him damn soon so he doesn't overdo it on his own tonight.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Dear Reverso
While you wait to protect yourself from quadripedal robots here is something for you to do:
Unreal Development Kit brings Unreal Engine development to the masses
by Christopher Grant { Nov 5th 2009 at 11:10AM }
So why don't you make a game about zombie nazis fighting autonomous all terrain robots while listening to slayer and watching women explosively eject their menses? If that's the sort of thing you're into of course.
Unreal Development Kit brings Unreal Engine development to the masses
by Christopher Grant { Nov 5th 2009 at 11:10AM }
No, Whizzle and The Ball aren't Cincinatti's crazy drive-time zoo crew, rocking WKRP with six hours of fart jokes, crank calls, and toilet-flushing sound effects – instead, they're two new indie games built entirely using the hey-isn't-that-expensive Unreal Engine 3. Or, if you want to get specific, built using the just-announced (though expected) Unreal Development Kit, or UDK for the acronymical out there. Sure, Unreal Engine 3 is super enough to bring you games like Gears of War 2 and Batman: Arkham Asylum, but as long as you're using it for non-commercial or educational purposes, UDK is available totally free of charge.
You can download the Unreal Development Kit for yourself from Big Download, and while you're over there read their blowout coverage, including interviews with Epic Games, Whizzle's Psyonix Studios, and The Ball's Toltec Studios. We've got images and descriptions of both games, along with a video from Psyonix, after the break.
So why don't you make a game about zombie nazis fighting autonomous all terrain robots while listening to slayer and watching women explosively eject their menses? If that's the sort of thing you're into of course.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
They're gonna come steal our water with this
This is the scariest shit I've seen in a while (since I saw Barbie on a shroom hangover actually)
When they run out of water, and that would be approximately within 10 years from now, the US is gonna come at us with those... (picture them with side mounted rocket propeller guns, and a head with lazer eyes... WITH LAZER EYES)
When they run out of water, and that would be approximately within 10 years from now, the US is gonna come at us with those... (picture them with side mounted rocket propeller guns, and a head with lazer eyes... WITH LAZER EYES)
I think my job is getting to me.
I haven't seen you guys in a while and I've been working 40 hours a week at a job I don't like, staring at a computer screen, looking for incorrectly placed apostrophes through hundreds upon hundred of lines of data. It's starting to affect my appearance.

To them, I am a code warrior, sifting though their inadequacies and streamlining a system that is utterly doomed to be wiped out due to inefficiency. I get paid shit and I don't get to see my girlfriend as much as I'd like because my true career passion of painting is worked on during evenings and then all through the night. I am a zombie and unhappy.
Time for a change.

To them, I am a code warrior, sifting though their inadequacies and streamlining a system that is utterly doomed to be wiped out due to inefficiency. I get paid shit and I don't get to see my girlfriend as much as I'd like because my true career passion of painting is worked on during evenings and then all through the night. I am a zombie and unhappy.
Time for a change.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Pressure Lobbying For this Weekend
It's almost been 3 weeks already.
We cant put it off any longer.
This weekend. Preferably saturdah (since its my girlfriend's birthday on friday).
I offer my house, but Bonerpant's or Candy's would be, euphemistically speaking, more convenient.
If none of you answer, I shall proceed on my own anyways.
Else if you didn't understand what this message is about, try sucking on the following putrescent clitoral fermentation...
We cant put it off any longer.
This weekend. Preferably saturdah (since its my girlfriend's birthday on friday).
I offer my house, but Bonerpant's or Candy's would be, euphemistically speaking, more convenient.
If none of you answer, I shall proceed on my own anyways.
Else if you didn't understand what this message is about, try sucking on the following putrescent clitoral fermentation...

I'm undecided. Should my new name be Tazmin Pergoglu or Constantin Girofle ?
Tazmin Pergoglu is a loveable Moldavian. Slightly lost but with a knack for having fun.
Constantin Girofle is a boringly-dressed dandy. But he's always got the best drugs.
What the fuck am I making up?
Tazmin Pergoglu is a loveable Moldavian. Slightly lost but with a knack for having fun.
Constantin Girofle is a boringly-dressed dandy. But he's always got the best drugs.
What the fuck am I making up?

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
If I was a soldier (Procrasto Broadcast #7)
If I was a soldier deployed in Afghanistan, and I read this, I'd freak out!
And by freak out, I mean taking my beloved rifle, waxing it clean, loading it up full metal jacket, and coming out of my tent wearing nothing but bullet chains, walking backwards facing my US army camp, towards the Taliban's stronghold, and unloading on the camp while tossing grenades on the taliban behind, all awhile shouting the lyrics from "the answer is blowing in the wind".
Apparently, most marines have better nerves than I do.
This excellent documentary shows how and why the US is failing on every fronts in Afghanistan... using marines as diplomats? thats how they're gonna solve all this?
And by freak out, I mean taking my beloved rifle, waxing it clean, loading it up full metal jacket, and coming out of my tent wearing nothing but bullet chains, walking backwards facing my US army camp, towards the Taliban's stronghold, and unloading on the camp while tossing grenades on the taliban behind, all awhile shouting the lyrics from "the answer is blowing in the wind".
Apparently, most marines have better nerves than I do.
This excellent documentary shows how and why the US is failing on every fronts in Afghanistan... using marines as diplomats? thats how they're gonna solve all this?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Colonel Herzog Shall Soon Be Free!
Rejoice with me! As my life revolves around his, I will soon have released myself from the shackles of study sessions. Let us celebrate by participating in the activity promoted by the following video:
Yes, it is a bicycle race.

Saturday. 16h. 1297 Chemin de la forêt. Entrée du cimetière.
Yes, it is a bicycle race.

Saturday. 16h. 1297 Chemin de la forêt. Entrée du cimetière.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Procrasto Broadcast, #6
I would like to take the time to let you know that when I get diagnosed with cancer, I'll steal a car (preferably a 1970 challenger), fill the tank with nitroglycerin, and pop this song on repeat and drive towards the horizon...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Procrasto Broadcast Series, episode 5 : Geek Castration
MOC and Herzog teamed up on a special double team and used their derived special attack to bring you a night of epic legendary brütality on November 6th...
(holy shit, I just remembered my girlfriend's birthday's on the 7th....)
but then an evil monster succubus appeared and blocked their route!
Will the Special double Force geek squadron make its way to their intended goal?
Thats what we'll see during our next Procrasto Broadcast Episode: Quest for the Ultimate Geek Night.
Until then, try to reserve your November 6th.
(holy shit, I just remembered my girlfriend's birthday's on the 7th....)
but then an evil monster succubus appeared and blocked their route!
Will the Special double Force geek squadron make its way to their intended goal?
Thats what we'll see during our next Procrasto Broadcast Episode: Quest for the Ultimate Geek Night.
Until then, try to reserve your November 6th.
Concerning CO2
So I watched one of the videos on the site that the Colonel suggested (CO2 is green) where an "expert" claims that more CO2 is good for the environment because it causes more plant growth, bla bla bla, ridiculous, no mention of drought or flooding, or displacement of people, etc. ....then something flashed at the side of the screen...
I backtracked in the video because I wondered what was written in that short illegible flash and it turns out it was his credentials. One would think that they would keep his credentials on the screen longer to enhance his reputation thus giving more merit to his arguments, right?
Well, maybe not. You see, it would probably have been damaging since it said that he was a "Retired Energy Industry Executive".
I'm glad Obama's attacking FOX. I'm sick and tired of these bozos masquerading as journalists. Fox isn't news. Their arguments make about as much sense as a drunk guy in a bar trying to start a fight with a stranger because he doesn't like the look of his face.
"Hey you!... with the face!!! Ya you!! What are you lookin' at faggot!!"
-FOX News
PS: Why has no one posted this yet
I backtracked in the video because I wondered what was written in that short illegible flash and it turns out it was his credentials. One would think that they would keep his credentials on the screen longer to enhance his reputation thus giving more merit to his arguments, right?
Well, maybe not. You see, it would probably have been damaging since it said that he was a "Retired Energy Industry Executive".
I'm glad Obama's attacking FOX. I'm sick and tired of these bozos masquerading as journalists. Fox isn't news. Their arguments make about as much sense as a drunk guy in a bar trying to start a fight with a stranger because he doesn't like the look of his face.
"Hey you!... with the face!!! Ya you!! What are you lookin' at faggot!!"
-FOX News
PS: Why has no one posted this yet
Friday, October 23, 2009
Midterms Studies => Procrastinatomania => Posting Frenzy
In this fourth inning of our Science Series,
we shall observe the phenomenon characterized by the production of liquid by
the glands found in the epiderm layer of the human skin, namely, sudation.
Sweatology is a fairly recent science and the observations reported here have never been published before by any member of the Science Community, therefore they should be deemed important.
We shall begin this paper with the following questions:
1- What are the underlying causes of sudation?
2- Is sweating only a physical mechanism or can it be controlled by the Mental Powers?
Let's try to answer these questions through the study of a case scenario.
We shall examine the case of a fictitious humanoid, which we will call, for the sake of practicality, Burt Lancaster.
Here is Burt Lancaster's trajectory from his daily bicycle ride:

Now everytime Burt Lancaster travels on this path, he starts sweating at the same exact point, about 3 km into the bicycle ride, right at the beginning of Querbes, right there:

Now, here the attentive reader will probably remark : "Of course he's sweating when he gets to Querbes, he's racist."
To this I will answer: "yes, indeed he is, but let's keep our science eye open."
Even if Burt Lancaster is a well known racist, our scientific mind pushes us in another direction from the ethnological considerations. Even if Burt Lancaster is racist, could he not try to retain from sweating at the sight of Querbes? Could he not ask his pores to wait a bit further before releasing the salty liquid? How he do dat?
How'd he dodat? dont he have sweat like dat! What says he make do like dat?
dat dont do! Dat he dont control sweat like dat. He git funky balls sweat comin out of he ass, shhiiit! Da fuck up wit dat? uh?
we shall observe the phenomenon characterized by the production of liquid by
the glands found in the epiderm layer of the human skin, namely, sudation.
Sweatology is a fairly recent science and the observations reported here have never been published before by any member of the Science Community, therefore they should be deemed important.
We shall begin this paper with the following questions:
1- What are the underlying causes of sudation?
2- Is sweating only a physical mechanism or can it be controlled by the Mental Powers?
Let's try to answer these questions through the study of a case scenario.
We shall examine the case of a fictitious humanoid, which we will call, for the sake of practicality, Burt Lancaster.
Here is Burt Lancaster's trajectory from his daily bicycle ride:

Now everytime Burt Lancaster travels on this path, he starts sweating at the same exact point, about 3 km into the bicycle ride, right at the beginning of Querbes, right there:

Now, here the attentive reader will probably remark : "Of course he's sweating when he gets to Querbes, he's racist."
To this I will answer: "yes, indeed he is, but let's keep our science eye open."
Even if Burt Lancaster is a well known racist, our scientific mind pushes us in another direction from the ethnological considerations. Even if Burt Lancaster is racist, could he not try to retain from sweating at the sight of Querbes? Could he not ask his pores to wait a bit further before releasing the salty liquid? How he do dat?
How'd he dodat? dont he have sweat like dat! What says he make do like dat?
dat dont do! Dat he dont control sweat like dat. He git funky balls sweat comin out of he ass, shhiiit! Da fuck up wit dat? uh?
Co2 is green...
Another proof that the internets will make you smart (or not):
Co2 is green
Warning: may contain traces of bullshit.
Another proof that the internets will make you smart (or not):
Co2 is green
Warning: may contain traces of bullshit.
My neighbors
it's us again!

Today we need to write about important stuff.
Firstly of all, our neighbors.
We all noticed how here in the Northern parts of the American continent there seems to be a lot of alienated people. However, we don't believe we are any less alienated then they are.
Its just that we suffer from different kinds of alienation.

For example, we hate too much, and we must put a cap on that hatred or else we will fabricate ourselves a cancer of the stomach.
But the neighbors are dealing with a much severe mental alienation. You see, our neighbors filed a complaint to our landlord. They complained that we don't salute them when we pass them by. Isn't this wonderful? It's a beautiful world.
Secondly of all, I'd like to take a moment for you to enjoy this little story (it stars us in the role of us, its also in french, because we're french):
"Montréal, mercredi le vingt-et-un octobre au matin, huit heure trente environ, coin Saint-Urbain et Duluth.
Un troupeau de cyclistes qui regardent dans la même direction vers un autre cycliste couché devant une ambulance, en position latérale, entouré d'ambulanciers.
À côté du blessé, une mazda-trois blanche de l'année au pare-brise fracassé. À côté de la voiture, une grassouillette dans la début vingtaine, qui sourit.
C'est la conductrice du véhicule. Elle discute d'un air béat avec un policier et semble trouver la situation très drôle. Elle ne daigne même pas regarder sa victime.
Une envie de massacre que je réprime aussitôt me tord le visage et font se serrer mes dents.
Au lieu de courrir vers elle en hurlant, je reprends le guidon et rembarque sur le pédalier."
We'll have a cancer of the stomach with that, please.
On another subject,
in order for us to properly forget, or at least fabricate ourself an abstraction out of the reality of our surroundings, we should like to ask when would be the proper time to drink and/or play The Gäme. Our midterms exams will be finished by next thursday, so we should have plenty of time for the weekend to tear ourself a new hole in our liver.
it's us again!

Today we need to write about important stuff.
Firstly of all, our neighbors.
We all noticed how here in the Northern parts of the American continent there seems to be a lot of alienated people. However, we don't believe we are any less alienated then they are.
Its just that we suffer from different kinds of alienation.

For example, we hate too much, and we must put a cap on that hatred or else we will fabricate ourselves a cancer of the stomach.
But the neighbors are dealing with a much severe mental alienation. You see, our neighbors filed a complaint to our landlord. They complained that we don't salute them when we pass them by. Isn't this wonderful? It's a beautiful world.
Secondly of all, I'd like to take a moment for you to enjoy this little story (it stars us in the role of us, its also in french, because we're french):
"Montréal, mercredi le vingt-et-un octobre au matin, huit heure trente environ, coin Saint-Urbain et Duluth.
Un troupeau de cyclistes qui regardent dans la même direction vers un autre cycliste couché devant une ambulance, en position latérale, entouré d'ambulanciers.
À côté du blessé, une mazda-trois blanche de l'année au pare-brise fracassé. À côté de la voiture, une grassouillette dans la début vingtaine, qui sourit.
C'est la conductrice du véhicule. Elle discute d'un air béat avec un policier et semble trouver la situation très drôle. Elle ne daigne même pas regarder sa victime.
Une envie de massacre que je réprime aussitôt me tord le visage et font se serrer mes dents.
Au lieu de courrir vers elle en hurlant, je reprends le guidon et rembarque sur le pédalier."
We'll have a cancer of the stomach with that, please.
On another subject,
in order for us to properly forget, or at least fabricate ourself an abstraction out of the reality of our surroundings, we should like to ask when would be the proper time to drink and/or play The Gäme. Our midterms exams will be finished by next thursday, so we should have plenty of time for the weekend to tear ourself a new hole in our liver.
Major Lazer
Major Lazer is a fictional cartoon character,[1] who (according to press releases) fought as a Jamaican commando who lost his arm in a secret zombie war in 1984.[2] He fights vampires and various monsters, parties hard, and has a rocket-powered hoverboard.
Hold the Line from the album "Guns Don't Kill People...Lazers Do
Hold the Line from the album "Guns Don't Kill People...Lazers Do
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
How's this for perspective?
I can't stop watching these.
Here's another one for good measure
"There's always a bigger fish"
Here's another one for good measure
"There's always a bigger fish"
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This will not stand.

A repugnant herd of fully retarded assholes/douche bags/child molesters/brain dead corpses/rapers and destroyers of the world are paying 400$ a piece, no less, to hear "you know who", right here, in Montreal. What kind of lowest grade moron even pays for this kind of shit? Is there any way to further demonstrate an absolute complete lack of self-respect?
I cannot believe there are people here, in my beloved Montreal, that are doing this.
Who are these people? It has to be the KKK. I don't see anyone else who would to this.
It can only be the KKK.
This aggression will not stand.
The hadrons, they are a collidin'
Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.
Ok, maybe not what Dylan was talking about but hey, I love stories about hubris, folly and black holes. Plus if it does create a singularity time itself will be changing, literally.
Ah, time dilation, you are a cruel mistress.
In unrelated news I'd have to argue that this is complete bullshit.
Take 5 minutes to read comments left on youtube videos for proof that the internets do not, in fact attract or even encourage intelligence.
Also rockets. In space. October 27th.
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.
Ok, maybe not what Dylan was talking about but hey, I love stories about hubris, folly and black holes. Plus if it does create a singularity time itself will be changing, literally.
Ah, time dilation, you are a cruel mistress.
In unrelated news I'd have to argue that this is complete bullshit.
Take 5 minutes to read comments left on youtube videos for proof that the internets do not, in fact attract or even encourage intelligence.
Also rockets. In space. October 27th.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I know I know
Another video game post. But this one I'm putting up here because I find the art design absolutely fantastic. So this is more hoity toity artiste bullshit than a full blown nerdism. I wish that sometimes game developers took more risks with their designs but I can't really expect mainstream developers to do that. This is why I feel the indie scene is so vital and is probably where the really cool shit will come from (similar to how indie movies gave a huge creativity boost to movies in general and pushed envelopes the big studios would have never touched).
Sunday, October 18, 2009
There be an exhibit going on at the Old Port. It's all about pirates (and I don't mean the high-budget porn movie). Anyways, it looks cool and when I saw the poster, the first thing I thought was that it should have been held at the 19.

Oh well... I guess Musée Pointe-à-Callière will have to do. Here's the description of the exhibit: Yarrrrr!!!!
Who's in!?!?!?
View Larger Map

Oh well... I guess Musée Pointe-à-Callière will have to do. Here's the description of the exhibit: Yarrrrr!!!!
Who's in!?!?!?
View Larger Map
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Aurions pas fait ça d'Même moé
Dear Moc,
while I appreciate your nerditude, I should like to mention that if you're gonna post some L4D 2 gameplay over here in our beloved 19, instead of choosing the weird Generator in a Pool puzzle, shouldn't you be opting for the Dismembering Zombies With an Axe sweetness of the game?
while I appreciate your nerditude, I should like to mention that if you're gonna post some L4D 2 gameplay over here in our beloved 19, instead of choosing the weird Generator in a Pool puzzle, shouldn't you be opting for the Dismembering Zombies With an Axe sweetness of the game?
Dear Herzog
While I appreciate your calls a 2:30 AM I should mention that the reason I wasn't wherever you seemed to be at 2:30 AM playing L4D is because nobody called or otherwise notified me about any such event.
However, if you have steam now I will be more than happy to bust some Zombie heads with you whenever you'd like. You can find my user ID by using my shitty email address ismokecrack@yahoo.com
Also I have my copy of L4D2 preordered and ready to go.
However, if you have steam now I will be more than happy to bust some Zombie heads with you whenever you'd like. You can find my user ID by using my shitty email address ismokecrack@yahoo.com
Also I have my copy of L4D2 preordered and ready to go.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I'm never this bad....
in public..
- "Tijuana Taxi" by Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass or
- "Get up Stand Up" by Bob Marley
Worst Shopping Run Ever - Watch more Funny Videos
I am open to any other music suggestions.
- "Tijuana Taxi" by Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass or
- "Get up Stand Up" by Bob Marley
Worst Shopping Run Ever - Watch more Funny Videos
I am open to any other music suggestions.
Losing My Virginity
I'm going to see my first Metallica concert at 31 years old. Not only that, I'm going to see them in Ottawa.

I can't wait to see THAT crowd! Oh... and to all the suckers who saw them at the Centre Bell, I'll do my best to enjoy the sound for you.

I can't wait to see THAT crowd! Oh... and to all the suckers who saw them at the Centre Bell, I'll do my best to enjoy the sound for you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Keeping with the metal theme
I had seen this documentary years ago and I just stumbled upon it today while taking a break.
Part 1 is here, you can follow it for the other parts. It's good for people like me who don't know enough about the genre.
Part 1 is here, you can follow it for the other parts. It's good for people like me who don't know enough about the genre.
Rocktober 13th

Today's the day.
As I was telling Spazzer, I thought maybe it would be quite nice if we all chipped in for a copy of the game and then we could only play it when everyone who paid is there and so we can summon the Metal Gods every last friday of the month or something.
What says you.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Lai Lai Hey!
So, I ended up grabbing 6 tickets to the Ensiferum show on december 3rd. I expect the usual suspects to be there and then some, so it should be quite the romp. I'm going to present the lineup to entice the tardy ones among you to show up at the very beginning, if not to enjoy it, at least to laugh at it's folly. I tried to get the most ridiculous pictures when I could. Here is the lineup:
Yes, another freakin' pirate band. The novelty of Alestorm quickly wore off for me and now there are these guys. Considered a drollesque pirate themed punk-metal band, my limited knowledge of them probably doesn't do them justice so I'll stop here.
Previously known as Profugus Mortis, this Montreal Folk Metal Band is an up and comer. But like many queb bands that flirt with the genre, they leave me kind of indifferent, even if they are very talented. It will still be interesting to see them live. And yes, their album cover is strangely similar to La Maudite.
Ex Deo
Formed by a history obsessed paisan from Kataclysm, a Montreal veteran band par excellence, it is Roman themed metal. Roman! It's tantalizing but almost too much.
Swedish melodic Death. This is the kind of band I will wish I had been a fan of before seeing the show to better appreciate the event. They've been around forever and I've heard the name countless times. I couldn't even find a ridiculous picture of them. And this video is actually well produced and everything. Damn!
And Finally...
It was a blast last time. With their new album being what it is, I expect an ample amount of rejoicing.
Yes, another freakin' pirate band. The novelty of Alestorm quickly wore off for me and now there are these guys. Considered a drollesque pirate themed punk-metal band, my limited knowledge of them probably doesn't do them justice so I'll stop here.
Previously known as Profugus Mortis, this Montreal Folk Metal Band is an up and comer. But like many queb bands that flirt with the genre, they leave me kind of indifferent, even if they are very talented. It will still be interesting to see them live. And yes, their album cover is strangely similar to La Maudite.
Ex Deo
Formed by a history obsessed paisan from Kataclysm, a Montreal veteran band par excellence, it is Roman themed metal. Roman! It's tantalizing but almost too much.
Swedish melodic Death. This is the kind of band I will wish I had been a fan of before seeing the show to better appreciate the event. They've been around forever and I've heard the name countless times. I couldn't even find a ridiculous picture of them. And this video is actually well produced and everything. Damn!
And Finally...
It was a blast last time. With their new album being what it is, I expect an ample amount of rejoicing.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I'm puzzled as to why it starts off with Kid Icarus music and includes Super Mario sound effects but whatever, them shits be rocking:
You mask ask yourself why I posted this instead of putting the finishing touches on a menu or a feature that I'm responsible for implementing over at EA but that's because you're an asshole.
You mask ask yourself why I posted this instead of putting the finishing touches on a menu or a feature that I'm responsible for implementing over at EA but that's because you're an asshole.
Does anybody feel lonely?

I've decided to have a gathering at my place on Friday evening. Want some Candy?
All are welcome. Also, to my knowledge, we all have things to do the next day. This obviously means that we will be even less responsible / have a better time.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Les Voitures, nos amies
Du plus petit véhicule au plus gros, ne pas être capable de transporter une personne sans l'encombrer de plusieurs centaines de kilos de ferraille et de plastique, qu'il faudra mouvoir et freiner, reste un mystère de la stupidité fondamentale que génère l'idéologie de ce type de transport, et de la faiblesse mentale de tous ceux qui s'en occupent depuis plus de cent ans. Voir texte : Les boîtes de tôles à moteur, par Denis Cheynet. Lire L'hommauto, de Bernard Charbonneau, publié il y a déjà 40 ans.
Il faut d'abord accepter le caractère aliénant, inéquitable et insoutenable, cruel et massacreur de vies, destructeur de socialisation et de sens qu'est l'automobile individuelle pour oser s'en extraire, prendre un vélo et marcher à pied le long des rues et des routes.
Il faut d'abord accepter le caractère aliénant, inéquitable et insoutenable, cruel et massacreur de vies, destructeur de socialisation et de sens qu'est l'automobile individuelle pour oser s'en extraire, prendre un vélo et marcher à pied le long des rues et des routes.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Best Season of all times
aahhhh... Isnt fall wonderful... wow... every day is the best during this season, especially this year.
There's something about fall that gets my mojo going.
Beautiful colors everywhere, nice dark misty nights, the bike rides are superb, less fat people on the streets because its cold and less comfortable... and the city just seems quieter during fall.
And then there's halloween. Any of you doing something worth mentioning?
I can't get a good idea for a costume... ah well, there's always the old ghost in the sheet trick, its a classic.

There's something about fall that gets my mojo going.
Beautiful colors everywhere, nice dark misty nights, the bike rides are superb, less fat people on the streets because its cold and less comfortable... and the city just seems quieter during fall.
And then there's halloween. Any of you doing something worth mentioning?
I can't get a good idea for a costume... ah well, there's always the old ghost in the sheet trick, its a classic.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
One the one hand...
I'm not a violent person. On the other hand I've gotten enough bikes stolen that I kind of enjoyed this:
Bike Thief vs Street Justis from triple on Vimeo.
Albert Jacquard/Yoda à l'UQAM

Le 6 octobre prochain, Monsieur Albert Jacquard, prononcera la conférence "Le compte à rebours a-t-il commencé".
À 19 h 30, à la salle Marie-Gérin-Lajoie, UQAM
Des billets au tarif étudiant de 12 $ sont en vente à la CoopUQAM (pas de frais de réseau) et au point de vente Admission. Admission générale : 20$
« Le compte à rebours a-t-il commencé ? »
Monsieur Jacquard abordera sa conférence sous l’angle suivant :
Longtemps l’humanité a vécu en pensant qu’elle avait tout son temps, que le progrès n’en finirait pas de transformer le monde à notre avantage, que les hommes seraient toujours plus riches, plus beaux, plus performants et que nous avions le droit de prélever à l’envi toutes les richesses de la planète sans jamais entamer son capital.
Cette époque est révolue. Nous savons maintenant que le temps nous est compté et qu’à force de travailler contre nous-mêmes, nous risquons de fabriquer une Terre où aucun de nous ne voudra vivre!
Albert Jacquard passe en revue les questions à propos desquelles il est urgent de procéder à une refonte complète de nos habitudes.
Selon Albert Jacquard : « Il semble, dans notre société, que la seule dynamique possible ne puisse être alimentée que par l’opposition des humains les uns aux autres. Il n’est question que de la victoire des meilleurs alors que les confrontations sont plus collectives qu’individuelles, alors qu’elles impliquent plus de coopération que de compétition. » Ainsi, mieux vaut une réussite solidaire qu’un exploit solitaire!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So I gave Pants his birthday present yesterday. Its the first in a series of apocalyptic gifts. When I bought it the guy at Surplus told me he sold dozens of those daily, and as a token of his words, his sold me the last one he had. This means there's a shitload of honest and not so honest citizens in this town with machetes in their house.
Given that the apocalypse is generally predicted to be happening within the next 15 years, I don't know about you, but the thought of having only a couple of kitchen knives and some 15mm wrenches to defend myself while all the other bastards are armed to the teeth is quite worrying.
So I call for an arm race.
I say Pants takes care of the blades and I'll be chief of firearms.
Also, Pants, next time one of those bell ringing trucks pass down your street to sharpen people's blades, have them sharpen your machete. Try stepping out with a cigar and camo pants, and look like you mean not to be fucked with.
Quote of the Moment
"Do not burn yourself out. Be as I am-a reluctant enthusiast...a
part time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of
yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not
enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it.
While you can. While it is still there. So get out there and hunt
and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and
explore the forests, encounter the grizz, climb the mountains, bag
the peaks. Run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid
air, sit quietly for a while and contemplate the precious stillness,
that lovely, mysterious and awesome space. Enjoy yourselves, keep
your brain in your head and your head firmly attached to the body,
the body active and alive, and I promise you this much: I promise
you this one sweet victory over our enemies, over those deskbound
people with their hearts in a safe deposit box and their eyes
hypnotized by desk calculators. I promise you this: You will
outlive the bastards."
-Edward Abby
I don't know who this Edward Abby fellow is, but he sounds like a guy we could get along with.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Balance out the Force
Well I guess if nobody's gonna do it, I will.
The first frame of the previous video itself made me ashame of owning a penis, so I'm posting this to make us forget about it.
I figured viking melee combat was the only way to redeem this blog.
The first frame of the previous video itself made me ashame of owning a penis, so I'm posting this to make us forget about it.
I figured viking melee combat was the only way to redeem this blog.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Scarier still
I can't believe I forgot about this. APHEX TWIN.

Now that shit is scary! There is just something about a man with an abnormally large nose and a little girl's body that just frightens me to the core.

Now that shit is scary! There is just something about a man with an abnormally large nose and a little girl's body that just frightens me to the core.
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