Today's the day.
As I was telling Spazzer, I thought maybe it would be quite nice if we all chipped in for a copy of the game and then we could only play it when everyone who paid is there and so we can summon the Metal Gods every last friday of the month or something.
What says you.

hmmm... that sharing the cost thing never really works. I'm sure one of us will cave and buy it anyways.
I can actually grab a cheap copy of this game since I work at EA and we publish the game.
I already put an order in for the 360 version and I should be getting it this week but I cant put the order in for a PS3 copy now if you want. It's like 20$. Let me know.
dude..for $20, I'm in.
ok, i'll order it tomorrow. I'll let you know when it comes in.
Actually, if you guys want some EA games let me know. I should be able to get them to you for about 10-20$ on average. Take advantage of this while I have this.
well, whats EA publishing for PC these days?
Hook me up with the best cybernets game you got.
and Candyman, can I give you 10$ and you can only play when I'm there?
I'm this close from selling my diving gear in order to get me a PS3.
I know, I should have done this years ago.
Don't you dare. Just because you're not diving now, doesn't mean you won't be diving later. Hang on to it, moron!
To Craw: totally, that's fair. Besides, I'll make any deal that keeps my gaming under control.
all the battlefield games
sim city + the sims + spore
command and conquer
dead space (i bought this one so i can lend it to you when I'm done)
most of the valve games are published by EA so I can get you orange box, l4d, etc
dragon age, mass effect and if you want to really nerd it up warhammer online.
all pc games are 10$
it's been ordered btw. hopefully I get them next week.
You are an angel among demons my friend, an angel among demons.
uh... they're... all... 10$... a ... piece... *slurp*(wipes drool off his keyboard)... soooo... let me get acquainted will all those interesting titles and I shall get back to you with an exhaustive gift list.
Also, could you change your name to EA-Santa or something. Thank you.
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