Friday, October 23, 2009

My neighbors


it's us again!

Today we need to write about important stuff.
Firstly of all, our neighbors.
We all noticed how here in the Northern parts of the American continent there seems to be a lot of alienated people. However, we don't believe we are any less alienated then they are.
Its just that we suffer from different kinds of alienation.

For example, we hate too much, and we must put a cap on that hatred or else we will fabricate ourselves a cancer of the stomach.
But the neighbors are dealing with a much severe mental alienation. You see, our neighbors filed a complaint to our landlord. They complained that we don't salute them when we pass them by. Isn't this wonderful? It's a beautiful world.

Secondly of all, I'd like to take a moment for you to enjoy this little story (it stars us in the role of us, its also in french, because we're french):

"Montréal, mercredi le vingt-et-un octobre au matin, huit heure trente environ, coin Saint-Urbain et Duluth.
Un troupeau de cyclistes qui regardent dans la même direction vers un autre cycliste couché devant une ambulance, en position latérale, entouré d'ambulanciers.
À côté du blessé, une mazda-trois blanche de l'année au pare-brise fracassé. À côté de la voiture, une grassouillette dans la début vingtaine, qui sourit.
C'est la conductrice du véhicule. Elle discute d'un air béat avec un policier et semble trouver la situation très drôle. Elle ne daigne même pas regarder sa victime.
Une envie de massacre que je réprime aussitôt me tord le visage et font se serrer mes dents.
Au lieu de courrir vers elle en hurlant, je reprends le guidon et rembarque sur le pédalier."

We'll have a cancer of the stomach with that, please.

On another subject,
in order for us to properly forget, or at least fabricate ourself an abstraction out of the reality of our surroundings, we should like to ask when would be the proper time to drink and/or play The Gäme. Our midterms exams will be finished by next thursday, so we should have plenty of time for the weekend to tear ourself a new hole in our liver.