Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"Today’s success puts a tick next to the first of those steps, and over the next few weeks, as the LHC’s operators gain experience and confidence with the new machine, the machine’s acceleration systems will be brought into play, and the beams will be brought into collision to allow the research programme to begin."

What a fucking joke! They didnt even have no fucking collision! They just had one beam running!
We still have to wait for total invagination! And they're not even saying how long!

Thats it. I never want to hear about this bullshit ever again.


Karl Hungus said...

Well what did you think? You doomsday lovers are all the same. You all want it to happen at a pre-determined time, and you want it to happen all at once. Well let me tell you something: the end of the world is going to happen when you least expect it, and it's going to be a long, boring, and painful process riddled with disease, famine, and poverty.

And Nerdlord (if that is your real name), I suggest you listen to the Hendrix song "Castles Made Of Sand". The part about the fearless warrior....that's most likely what would happen to you.

Karl Hungus said...

Le LHC et le programme spatial sont vitaux si la race humaine ne veut pas étouffer et finalement disparaître. À eux deux, ils coûtent moins de 1 % du produit intérieur brut de la planète.

— Stephen Hawking

Dementor said...

I didnt know Hawking was french.
Oh, right, it depends what program he uses to talk. I guess he's like C3PO, fluent in over 6 millions forms of communication.

(Et je vois pas le rapport entre Lanaudière Hard Core et le programme spatial)

Barbarosa said...

Cheer up old pal, your world started ending the second you were born.

Master of the Craw said...

Well, if you don't know when the world is going to end how can you plan your parties in advance? The only option then is to stay drunk 24/7