Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I finished two assignments in one sitting.


Dementor said...

what band is this?

The bassist looks like fardoche.

On another note, since its raining this weekend, I suggest a game of Risk, or, if you're tired of constantly using tactical maneuvers to battle the contingencies of conflicts with random subjected outcome, we could also indulge in other indoor mindless activities, such as interacting with a video game system, or, we could simply go out for a wetsuit/fishing trip, with snorkel and harpoons, the rain wouldnt matter then, if we're immersed; or we could have haircut party; or we could go out and buy a gun, and have fun with it in the rain, in some more or less deserted area. Wadyasay?

Master of the Craw said...

it's dethklok

you know Mega man 9 comes out this week right? We could use my credit card to download it and set it up.

Also, risk sounds dandy.

Dementor said...

wait wait wait wait wait... what do you mean by downloading and setting it up. BE MORE EXPLICIT.
what platform will be used?

Karl Hungus said...

How the FUCK does Nerdlord not know about Metalocolypse!?!?!?!?!

I'm pretty sure it would instantly end up being his favorite show in the world.

Karl Hungus said...


Dementor said...

I see........

Master of the Craw said...


it's out on the wii now and it should be out on the 360 and PS3 soon. you have to connect to nintendo's store via the wii and purchase the game.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

The bassist's name is Murderface. He stole the nickname you were likely to invent in succession to "Nerdlord of the NES"