Friday, April 4, 2008

Like Super Mario 2, except with less action, more ridiculous goals, and inspirational Bible quotes.

So I googled the title of this intriguing artefact and I found out it was #19 on the 20 worst nintendo games ever made list. Which has pushed my obsession to play it to the next level where I might buy the whole 8000$ collection just to put my hands on the game. Here's a couple of screenshots.

You'll have recognized baby Moses. The goal of this level is to save him from spiders and guys with spears. You can actually use him as a weapon to kill the heretics and other arachnides.

This of course was Noah, bringing back the animals to his arch.

So I guess its all about the old Testament. I'm a little disappointed. I would have liked to play Jesus. But still. I need it now.


Dementor said...

BTW, just for the records, Candyman aka Davidoff's best post was made on december 6 2006.

Barbarosa said...

The gorilla eating shit?

I usually find that candyman's best posts are the ones he doesn't make.

Anonymous said...


Master of the Craw said...

daaaaamn, meow!

for the record i somehow remember being with David Raz and renting this for some reason (him being jewish he thought it would be funny).
We promptly returned it and got a copy of Mega Man 4 instead.