good times
Y'a un gros en chacun de nous, tu sauras!
hahaHAHA! Ça me rappelle la photo que j'ai vu d'un ostie de gros tas qui avait un t-shirt sur lequel on pouvait lire: "I beat anorexia!"HHOHOHIHIRHIOHAHIRHEOIHG!
let me just direct your attention to the asian (now for the un-pc, the chink, the wong, whatever race he's from they're all the same aren't they???)'s arms... does he work for michelin yet?
The sad thing is he's not even asian, its the fat that makes him look that way.Flubby fucker.
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Y'a un gros en chacun de nous, tu sauras!
hahaHAHA! Ça me rappelle la photo que j'ai vu d'un ostie de gros tas qui avait un t-shirt sur lequel on pouvait lire: "I beat anorexia!"
let me just direct your attention to the asian (now for the un-pc, the chink, the wong, whatever race he's from they're all the same aren't they???)'s arms... does he work for michelin yet?
The sad thing is he's not even asian, its the fat that makes him look that way.
Flubby fucker.
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