So here goes, from most excellent to most best excellent (and no, I didn't forget the refinery, its just that it might not be there as of tomorrow, so lets just hope it vanishes from our city's memory) :
#uno - The one and only real eastern montreal beach :

As described by our own ville de montréal:
Ce parc urbain, situé au sud-est de l'île de Montréal, est à la fois paisible et étonnant (damn right it is!), fragile et imposant… Deux mondes opposés s’y côtoient, l'un est rustique et chantant : le long de la promenade, de belles rives protégées ouvrent sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent et les vertes îles de Boucherville (ainsi que l'improbable cadavre insolite de milieu de journée). L'autre univers est industriel et d'acier : d'imposants cargos passent à quelques centaines de mètres des berges pour décharger leurs conteneurs un peu plus loin.
If you're lucky you'll find a nice bloated cadaver, like I did 10 years ago, this is where they wash up! Seriously, I think this place offers up great picture potential, since its all surrounded by industrial metal and steelyards, while being all quiet and green and nice. Its like "they" put it there just to remind us how retarded the whole eastern part of the St-laurent's coast is. Its like : look, this is how your eastern part of the island could look like! Nice eh? Well fuck you! Never! aharahrharhar! steel! JUnkyards and sugar factories! FUck you, you poor eastern french bastards! Eat shit and die!
#deux: La tour de Champlain!

This one is a classic. I already did a piece on that one so I'll skip, but just the thought that its been there for more than 500 years is enough to give you chills (imagine all the ghosts that are still haunting the place...)
#Three: Jmo's gazebo!

I wont say anything for this one except they say Jmo's devirginalized more underage persons in that Gazebo than can ever be morally acceptable, even by the pope's standards.
... and #quatro, best excellent place in the Montreal (eastern or western if you ask me): Gay village's own avenue Lartigue!!!

This place is just marvelously splendid!! Its so beautiful! Ow my god! Its just so cute! ouuuuh! I love it! Oh my gawd!
But seriously, that street is the best. You just have to see it, its incredibly gay.
The funny thing is that everything you mentioned, bar the beach, is closer to NDG than St-Leo
Also, hooray for jmo's gazebo! When are we going next?
Everything is closer to anything than St-Leo.
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