My personal favorite moment: When I was kneeling next to my friend who's eyes were rolled into the back of his head. I especially liked the growing puddle of blood spreading like a halo: it added to the drama. But then again, so did the guy yelling at his girlfriend, and the ambulance, and the cops.
I hate emergency rooms.
Did I miss something?
Apparently, yes.
I heard Santa-Claus showed up, with all his deers and all.
It must have been magnificient.
For the record : I am not responsible for any of this. I hope none of you (excluding Jean-Moignon and Pants) is frustrated with me. This is all bullshit. I'm very sorry that all this shit is happening. It wholly sucks.
Although I am kind of glad that Reckless Spazz met his guy and that his guy didn't have a blade, nor a gun. I'm sorry that Spazz went and hit the guy, I'm not so sorry that the guy hit back, I'm sorry that you guys (excluding Jean-Moignon)
had to suffer violent Etienne psycho-drunk. Its not so bad when you know the guy, thats just the way he communicates, u know? Grow some balls or something.
I'm also excluding the MoC when asking for peace and quietness. He wasn't there, nor was I, he has no reason to be infuriated by all this unfortunate crap. This is the last I will write about this.
From my sure sources, here's my understanding of what happened:
Geppetto : o yeah?
Spazz: YEAH MAN, fuck you!
(push, shove, PIF PAF)
Geppeto: N' STAY DOWN!
Greg: arrrgg!!! my boyfriend!!
Morin: Calm down, he's gonna be ok.
Greg: Noooooarrrrggg!!! the blood is everywhere!!! ararrggg!!!
-N O
- AN
Hungus: Dude, calm down, I'm calling the ambulance.
(push, shove, shove)
Dave: Get away from me you psychopath! i'm calling the fucking ambulance, and there's nothing you can do about it!
(pounds his chest)
AmbulanceMan: What seems to be the problem madam?
Morin: No, he's gonna be allright. Ambulance, roll out !
Dave: NO! Stay. We have a man down.
AmbulanceMan: Let me see. Hmmm. Bad shape. Lets see.
Morin : Nah man, I checked him, he allright, go take care of some heart attack or something.
Ambulanceman: hmmm... you are right, I was on my way to a heart attack before this call, but they said there was blood....
Gregz: Take my husband to za hospital! He was bleeding!!!
Ambulanceman: Ok Maam, lets go!
Morin : Thorieu!
(Next day)
Greg: My husband is not going to New York to see Chuck Berry.
Me: Well damn, ain't that a shame. I would have so loved to see him punch Phil Baroni in the face.
not even close.
PS: I'm not being dry, I just don't have time to write the whole thing down right now.
What I got from that, other than a few laughs, is that Spazz got drunk, fought with another drunken dude and then got beat down hard enough for blood to escape his cranium? Also, Greg freaked out (which is perfectly understandable).
Did this take place in a little shithole called Barter Town? Did Tina Turner explain the rules beforehand?
So this is what happened. There were only about ten of us left at this point. We were all dancing while Morin supplied us with the music. Spazz was drunk and started up with Geppeto, who in turn popped him one, knocking him out. I jumped the guy and we fell to the ground. We got separated and I ran to Spazz who hadn't yet budged. His eyes were resting were rolled back in his head and a pool of blood was slowly spreading out around him.
So I called 911.
Greg was justifiably flipping out. Spazz came to his senses and I checked out his head. Morin was yelling at Greg at this point about worrying too much about nothing. I brought Spazz to his feet. Geppeto wouldn't shut up about his reputation, saying he wasn't a fighter and he wanted people to know that. I told him to fuck off and that the cops were coming. He wouldn't. He wouldn't shut up. Even his girlfriend was apologizing to me. He was really fucking annoying. I walked Spazz and Greg out to the curb on the street where we sat waiting. The whole time we could hear Morin yelling inside.
Morin then came pouring out onto the street with Geppeto, tossing him into the middle of the road. Then he told Spazz to get the fuck up and get inside, told Greg to shut up. He started yelling at me for calling an ambulance and wasting resources when there could be someone dying a street away. He told me to cancel it. He said he wasn't going to be responsible for a some freak show in the middle of the street.
Funny... we were just sitting there quietly.
He was yelling at everyone to get into the fucking basement. I told him we were waiting on the bench inside the doors. Spazz wasn't saying shit because he was too dazed and didn't really know what was going on. So Morin pushed me into the wall, said fuck you, and kept yelling at Greg.
The ambulance showed up.
We went outside and they started checking Spazz out. Morin wouldn't stop. He wouldn't leave the ambulance drivers alone. He kept talking about how much it was costing the system and getting all of his frustrations out. They had to tell him to shut up and let them do their job. It was ridiculous. He finally retreated to the basement.
They wrapped him up, the cops showed up, the ambulance drivers were complaining about how much of a twat Morin was being. The ambulance took them to the hospital. I spoke to Morin for a bit and then went to meet them at the hospital.
It was an awesome night. I had a great time. Hey Molesto! Nobody said you were responsible for anything. It was just a scuffle at the end of the night. We were all wasted. Morin was being a douche, but it was all work-related frustration. Unfortunately, he went a little over the top, making it hard to swallow, but whatever. It's over.
And that was what happened at Molesto's rock show. Sounds pretty rock to me. When's the next one?
Geez... I still feel sorry about all this.
I know how Morin can be. I'm having a talk with him this week.
Yeah, that sounds like something you'd read in a The Who biography.
Spazz is good though, right?
Yeah.. he's fine. He just has to wear a helmet for the rest of his life, except when he's biking. (Does anyone else see the irony in Spazz getting a head injury?)
Please don't talk to him about it. It's so not worth it. I'd let it slide. What needed to be said was said.
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