re: A certain Cardinal Joe Molesto recently accused me of being "not nice" because I was hitting on another man's girl.
I agree that it is not kosher or even halal to make time with another man's girl. If that man is your friend, well that's just plain wrong.
In my defence, I have a number of arguments, chief among which is the first one:
1. I had no idea Lo was ET's girlfriend.
2. She initiated the flirting.
3. She continued it. I did too of course, but can you blame a man for flirting with a seemingly single smoking hot chick who's giving you attention? She even looked at my cock when I was pissing in the sink. But can you blame her? ('twas a good party indeed)
4. I had, several weeks ago met her at a bar with ET and a bunch a friends. I spoke to her a good part of the evening; ET was nowhere to be found. She came in with ET and one of his friends and one of the stupidest girls I've ever spoken to. Anyways, I even asked her how she knew ET just to make sure I wasn't pissing on anybody's toes. She said he was just some guy she knew through a mutual friend. I even asked ET what was going on between them and he said nothing was going on. He also added that anyways, he's zero possessive about girls.
5. I was at a party 2-3 weeks ago and saw Tony Parent openly flirting with her. Wait. That means nothing.
6. Back to the Head-Busting Rock Show (or HBRS, not to be confused with shorthand for Hebrews. We were in a Catholic church after all) At the end of stay there, upon my departure, I noticed her flirting with ET. The next day, during which I helped ET move some STUPIDLY heavy stuff, this Lo flirting with ET prompted me to ask him his status with Lo. Once again I did not want to piss on somebody else's toes. He said they were not going out and that anyways there were too many women in the world to settle for one.
7. Cardinal Joe Molesto, if you see me flirting with someone's girlfriend, perhaps the best course of action would be to let me know as soon as possible. Perhaps by taking me aside. Or by telling me later in a private manner. I think that would be much more reasonable and respectful than to let events take place and then to procede to electronically scribble on a high-school bathroom mirror a nasty accusation just like a backstabbing teenage bitch.
Are you flirting with Molesto? You know he has a girlfriend, right? You probably shouldn<t be doing that.
actually I didnt really care if she was etienne's girl or not.
I just don't want you to be with a girl.
I like you better single.
Next time I'll be more subtle.
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