Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dear Nerdlord

I've had it up to here with the allround cosmic pile of moose shit that emanates from your very being, both organic and digital. As stage one of the shock therapy, here are a bunch of overly cute animals. As for the others, I apologize. I'm sure you understand.

Phew. That was tough. That burning feeling in your eyes will subside. Now, just to shake things up, go watch Irréversible. More instructions will follow.


Master of the Craw said...

you could draw the frog suit from mario 3 on Reverso's anus and it would still be cute as hell.

Dementor said...

That Adam guy.
What a jerk. I hate him!
I love to hate him!

Dementor said...


They should have call it Ininvaginable.