Thursday, November 8, 2007

Spider seeking black widow

So yeah. I've been working pretty hard lately. Its hard enough to eat and exercise properly. But to waste time properly? I haven't done that in ages. So I surfed the tube and found this little gem. Its about copulation, another activity that I'm starting to miss. But just as my sentence in corporate hell comes to an end, the cold will have arrived. And when winter comes, spiders stop mating. Sniff


Dementor said...

I know you've been under a lot of mental stress lately so I'll forgive you this post. Instead I'll just comment on the 5th little video appearing at the bottom of the screen. The navy chopper crashing. Made me realize why I hate so much videogames that dont offer no continue when you die. Too much like real life. The guy's afterlife will suck! He'll be like : "NOOooo!! that was so easy! How could I fuck it up! Let me do it again!"

Barbarosa said...

That girl looked soooo French.

Karl Hungus said...

Spider, you must be in really bad shape if you're looking at high school-made youtube videos about biology class.

Karl Hungus said...

...and what the fuck is a "bahut" anyways!?!