Friday, November 9, 2007

Metal 101 Session 1

This is why I didn't have an "absolute fucking blast" at The Police concert:

And if that wasn't cheery enough, check out this little anthem (very cool solo at 4:30):

Corny as hell, I know. But that's power metal for ya. Its a bit more accessible to the casual ear but can still tear your face off.

That's right, like it or not, I am here to share my love for metal, the music that turns full grown men into prepubescent beatlemaniacs. If you watched these two videos in their entirety, you're well on your way to giving a shit.

By the way, the guys in the latter video are pretty much Sting's age.


Barbarosa said...

The atmosphere looked like shite to me. But maybe that's because the videos were no longer available.

Barbarosa said...

Ok, I finally got them to work. Uh, yeah so fuck the police!

Barbarosa said...

up the ass

Karl Hungus said...

I did not watch them in their entirety.

Karl Hungus said...

not even close.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Maybe those weren't your style. There's definitely something for everyone. A lot of it resembles chiller styles of music, except that you can throw in some double kick drum when need be without irking spectators. Its a fine line, really. I just never understood this limitation. "I really like this band...oh wait, what's that? Rapid low frequency bursts? Crazy fast and melodic guitars? Oh no!" What's the problem? Must everything be subtle to be enjoyed? Is a fine wine always better than a shot of gin?

Karl Hungus said...

Shut up.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...


Barbarosa said...

Spider, so defensive. Candyman did not watch the videos in their entirety because he knew he had been humbled. He was merely trying to save face. At least give him that.

Karl Hungus said...

Save this!!

(I'mactually playing with my dirty penis right now)