Cassinova: Can I go as a jew?
Ram: Sure.
Cassinova: Nice. I'm going to shave my head.
Ram: Sweet. I'm glad you mentionned that, 'cause I was going to suggest you wear a yellow armband with a star of David on it. But then I thought it would be inappropriate for me to say so.
Cassinova: I meant going as a hasidic woman.
Ram: Oh.
Not Overheard Yet
Ram: So I hear they're planning on making Auschwitz more contemporary. What does that mean? Hire Britney Spears to play the role of #4872902 ?

pssst, I'm kind of bad with these things. Was that going too far? It was the number, wasn't it?
aaahh... shit! you made me jerk off in my office again!
yeah i said office... but i really ain't that important. in fact i'm not important at all. and i'm not fat. or rich. or bright. well, i'm brighter than you, but that's a given. anyway, office is a word i dislike.
I think you meant that comment to be on the election post, no?
Jew crazy, ese!
I don't get it.
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