So, I, huh, was at the the green coloured living room and upon exiting the lavatory I was met by a bunch of eager "fat chicks".
And, wow!, were they eager! One of them even gave me the eye! I ain't talking no 'she looked at me', she gave me the EYE!
20cents even told me: "Fonce dans le tas!"
Which I found way too funny!
Needless to say, they moved out and shifted direction. Thank god for my unsoiled underpants.
Funny how the worst failure in the game of love can still find it in himself to laugh at others.
I'm confused. Should I laugh at myself first, or those other losers? Or just drink my piss?
Start by changing your name to Duke.
Does that make me Flint or Duke now? I'm confused
That makes you in the army, and confused.
At least I don't wear my own face as jewelry
Hey, dont ask dont tell... AND TAKE IT LIKE A MAN.
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