So I decided to give Trebek's trendoid bands a chance and I'm checking out the Presets myspace and I'm like reading the index of this book, and it totally fits together! It's like an intellectual's Wizard of Oz + Pink Floyd!
Check out these titles to chapters:
"Figures of Abstractions, tableaux of life"
"Bodies and Symbols, Blood and Milk"
"Global Formation : From the Oecumene to Planet Exploitation"
i prefer to like bands for the music they make... but that's my choice.
For my tastes, it would be alright for a lazy summer evening. But this is WINTER!! The most mEtAl season of them all! This music isn't going to make me appreciate having my face gnawed at by some merciless -30 wind. I need fuel, man! How do you keep warm in the unforgiving maelstrom that is our canadian winter? And if you don't know what I'm talking about, try standing on the southwest corner of Saint-Denis and Rosemont on a windy day (everyday) for a bit.
(I'm not trying to one up or anything. I'm just sharing some music appreciation, which might be comment worthy but not quite post worthy)
These days, I enjoy sounds that meld with the melody of the wind allthewhile drowned in a blackness that leaves your blood running cold to the rythm of an atomic jackhammer.
Ok, I've taken too much space. I just wanted to show an instance of my many perceptions of a type of music that you all seem to find laughable but that makes my heart burn like a supernova. Haven't outgrown it yet.
i've been trying to get my girlfriend to accept that metal music is music and that some of these musicians are geniuses just the same as any other in other genres...
for a while she was stubborn and wouldn't hear my arguments... but i finally got her to admit that she couldn't really judge since she never really listened to any of it... BOOOM!! there ya go! next step: get her in a chair, strap her down, keep her eyes open with some weird metal tweezers and... oooh... wait... nevermind...
Me and Spazzio are going to rock it with the Presets(tickets are only 13$!!). Metal is good in winter...true that piernitas (you're so poetic and passionate!)
What is this?
Since when is music seasonable?
So I'm supposed to listen to Slayer in January and Vivaldi in April? Beach Boys in June and Oingo Boingo in October?
hmmm... makes sense.
Fool, Vilvadi's all four seasons
I really shouldn't have made that joke. Now I'll have to face mob retribution
I'm wid spazzio and bananaz
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