Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Am I Evil?

My mother wasn't a witch, and she wasn't burned alive.
Yet in the realms of Lucifer I fear my soul belongs.

I saw a Christmas jazz band today. They were playing encased in some sort of plastic air bubble. The air in the bubble was coming through an intake with a little heater that made it warm inside. The heater being more or less necessary in these days of global melting.
Anyways, as I stumbled upon the ensemble, the first idea that struck me wasnt how pleasant the whole thing was, no. My first thought was to think how funny it would be to plug in a can of CO in their air intake, and watch them slowly lose their consciousness as the music would fade away.


Barbarosa said...


Dementor said...


Dementor said...

Comment tu trouves ces photos tellement pertinentes contextuellement ?

Barbarosa said...

Eh bien, je dois avouer que je suis biaisé, mais je trouve qu'elles ajoutent une touche d'humour avec un petit accent dérisoir. Je les aime aussi parce qu'elles permettent de facilement résumer un sentiment tout en gardant sa complexité.

Toi, comment tu les trouves?

Dementor said...

Non, par trouver je voulais dire trouver, comme dans :"as-tu trouvé ton sac de merde ?"