Some guy in Florida just got 60 days added to his jail sentence, for masturbating in his cell! Holy tug of war Batman, if that was me, I'd get a life sentence.

«David Batty
Thursday July 26, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
It is a verdict likely to cause great consternation to lonely prisoners throughout the US penal system. A prisoner in Florida has been found guilty of indecent exposure for masturbating alone in his cell.
The case drew sniggers from the courtroom as prospective jurors were questioned about their own masturbatory habits and the only witness was asked whether she had considered calling in a Swat team to tackle the defendant.
"Did you call a Swat team?"
"I wish I had," the deputy replied.
Ms McHugh asked the 17 prospective jurors who among them had never masturbated. No hands went up.»
Good call on the lawyer for the framing of that question.
Prisoner found guilty of masturbating in his cell
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