I just reached that special stage in an M.A. The holy shit 2 years feels like 2 weeks phase. With that in mind, I've decided I need to put the pedal to the metal. The only problem with that is that I live in the following equation wonderful city + wonderful friends = endless distractions
That is why I will be living a bit like a hermit. Tonight I'm going to the cottage until Thursday evening. I will be checking my voicemail once a day or so, so don't expect a quick call-back. But no worries my little chickadees, I'll be back for the weekend.
Ram Puniyani aka Jick Magger
And and just so you don't forget the good times while I'm gone...

lucky for you free beer, bjs and steak day is in 2 weeks so you won't miss out.
and I would like to add *insert comment about your mothers being elected representatives of said week*
You cheeky monkey. You posted that one picture among the others where you apparently jump higher than me. Though you were really just bending your knees more. I'm not surprised that you would sensor photographic proof that I can jump more than one inch from off the ground.
You need to go to back to jumping school. You jump like George Costanza.
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