this is not directed at any of you in particular, nor would i assume that you'd do something like this either, i just sorta need to vent and if other people happen to read this and it enlightens them, then i'll have succeeded.
when you go to a bar and you bring your own booze and get caught, or if you get into a fight and get kicked out, or if you go behind the bar to steal booze and the bartender sees you, or if you get caught snorting coke in the washrooms... DON'T SAY THAT YOU KNOW THE DJ'S OR ANYONE ELSE ON THE STAFF!!!!! THIS DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BREAK THE RULES!!! it seems that every week someone gets caught doing something stupid and feel the need to call for our help...
the reason why i said that it wasn't directed at any of you in particular is that all the time this has happened, the people who said they were our friends were usually no more than acquaintances...
my friends got my back, but i'd much rather pay you a beer if you're broke than see you bring your own booze and getting banned from the place i work at... that's all.
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