even stupider? No? Well, I'm stupid and some of my friends are even
stupider. Take last night for example. I was enjoying a few beers on
my balcony, aka the sidewalk in front of the 19. Then things, slowly
started degenerating. Then Shipwreck decided that the dead bush
between the 19 and the 17 would be better off underneath a parked car than its normal place. !?! He proceeded
to start shoving it under the car. There was dirt and mud (it had
rained) When he realized that it would take more strength, he lied
down on the ground and started pushing with both his legs. That's
when the cops showed up.
They started questioning Shipwreck and Grandes-Mains. He did not like
their attitude and complained about abuse of power. The cops replied
by asking him if he really wanted them to abuse their power. Shipwreck, realizing the folly of his was
went into apologetic mode and started to put the bush back in its
rightful spot. He was on all fours shovelling the dirt on the
sidewalk with his arms to put the dirt back. And using his arms as a
brooml that is when the cops lost it. One of them, the hot blond was
doubled over in her cruiser. Then she started laughing so hard that
she was lying on the passenger seat and the driver's seat. The other
cop looked up and saw my neighbour laughing, she was like "What are
you laughing at?" And she went up to his apartment. He keeps his door
open all the time. She came back down and asked us to be quiet. As
they were leaving, I thanked them for their flexibility. Referring to
Shipwreck they said they'd like to see him be flexible! (in a physical

Later on, we caroused some more on St-Laurent.
Woke up hung-over. Later on, I get a knock on my door. Its my
roommate telling me the girl from the store underneath us is here and
she's pissed. Ooops. Rude awakening. I get dressed in a flash.
She politely explains to me that the current situation is untenable.
I apologize and tell her I'll fix the mess.
What a mess! There was dirt everywhere! You can imagine
my pleasure at being hungover, being responsible for my friend's
excess, sweeping dirt of a sidewalk in the hot, hot sun, sweating.
I was the one laughing at the window, not the neighbor...
and fuck her man!!! stupid self-important designer!!!! this is the best story ever! why didn't you tell her the story, she would have laughed and wouldn't have cared about the dirt no more!
i hope she's ready for the 22nd!!!
Thank god for femcops.
Mustached cops would have surely matraque my ass, and probably shot grosses mains.
So this is what happens when I leave for a week. Jeez!
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