Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Nouvelle théorie de l'univers
L'univers n'est ni en expansion, ni en régression. Il est en suspension, comme le confirme l'image suivante.
Hey guys, so, huh, how do we or how have you been dealing with talking to others about the blog? We just pass the link around or it's best to keep it "private"? Yes I realize that it's on the internet.
The astrology killer
Taken in The New Yorker, Woody Allen writes good stories!
"The Astrology Killer was a vicious maniac who liked to sneak up and bash people’s heads in while they were yodelling. He was tough to nab because there was so much sympathy for him."
read full text here:
"The Astrology Killer was a vicious maniac who liked to sneak up and bash people’s heads in while they were yodelling. He was tough to nab because there was so much sympathy for him."
read full text here:
Getting political

"If there is one more item of Uzbek propaganda claiming that we do not drink fermented horse urine, give death penalty for baking bagels, or export over 300 tonnes of human pubis per year, then we will be left with no alternative but to commence bombardment of their cities with our catapults," Actual quote given by Borat to the official american media in front of the fucking white house or something... Je venere cet homme.
Goldorak's Death

This is a painting of my insanely talented friend Emilie Fournier.
I know her, I can prove it, we used to be friends at the bank, its true. So yeah, she's my friend, and she makes those insane pictures. She's my friend, and she'll be a celebrity for sure. I'm letting you guys in on this one because I like you and its so beautiful. I think its worth at least 15375.00$. And its huge too, 4 feet by 8, Crickey ! Thats like about 34 square feet or something ! Crazy I tell you. She dont name her paintings so I took the liberty to give it the name in title.
Slight Disturbance

How very disturbing it is to see yourself on film when you have absolutely no recollection of the performed acts.
My name is Emile, and I'm an alcoholic.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
See, I was going to add a post, then I read Salaud's last one, and, uh, huh, I don't know what to say OR write...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Jager Terror

Thanks to my little magic herb mixture, I am now on the seneca college probation list ! Yes ! They accepted me after I tackled a guy to the floor and beat the shit out of him, swung a knife in a guy's face and warned the residence staff about me being a dangerous montreal freak which scared them into calling the cops with whom I argued I was not a terrorist ! All while being filmed by the rez cameras ! Yes ! Its all on film !
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Chechen topic
This is what people do in Chechnya... they dance. can you believe it? and they fight with guns too... now that's a fuckin' paradox!!! you'd figure they'd just dance it out...
Monday, September 25, 2006

the date of this party is VENDREDI LE 29 SEPTEMBRE 2006
As you all should know it is Piernitas' and Amoïd's birthday this week. Piernitas is one year closer to death on the 27th of September, whereas Amoïd, like fine wine, gets one year better on October 1st.
Survey says the theme is SUITS AND SLUTS. Be inspired.
Rock on 19
WANTED! Dead or Alive

If you see this man, do not approach him! He eats like a whale and he is liable to suck you in. Be careful as his versatility is unmatched! He can breath underwater!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
god... i should have kept looking...
forget the other post... this is way better AND it's addictive! you thought seinfeld, curb your enthusiasm and arrested development were funny? You are nothing but nonchalant lepers! lepers whose eyes and ears have fallen off long ago... and now that i've insulted you like never before, you should listen to me and do as i say...
behold YACHT ROCK!!!!
behold YACHT ROCK!!!!
now that's cinema!!!!
Why?? because it's Indian cinema dumbo!!! check out michael jaksonirskiram...
michael jaksonirskiram
michael jaksonirskiram
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Outside analysis


Montréal has been in the news as of late, but did you know that it is also one of the most beautiful cities in the world? Yes, indeed. Why I need no further proof that this picture.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Corn On The Curb

Here's a little piece of history from the first 19 Bernard crew. Nothing like shucking corn on garbage day. Mmmmm....corn and garbage.
The Appropriateness of Life
Dear Salaud,
If ever you were looking for proof that life was indeed appropriate and correct, I have it right here. Last I heard from you, you were looking for your comforter. I found it. In a garbage bag.
p.s. Stop brushing your teeth with dog shit.
If ever you were looking for proof that life was indeed appropriate and correct, I have it right here. Last I heard from you, you were looking for your comforter. I found it. In a garbage bag.
p.s. Stop brushing your teeth with dog shit.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
About 5 minutes without oxygen before your Brains start to die

arg ! The sentiment of plenitude is totalidad !
Je suis si beatitude, I can feel it in my ear.
Quelle agreabilite de tant savoir faire aquatique !
arsh ! Je viendre dans le bientot donc en attendre, trinquer pour le salud.
that is all.
arsh... and now back to joyeur de vivre.
Has anyone seen a lebanese alpha-male lately?
What the fuck is Emile doing? He said he'd help us keep this thing alive!!! Don't they have computers under water? Has he met a shrimp or something? I don't have his picture here so I'll just post a picture of what he must look like.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The beauty about fatties

Is that they have a great sense of humour. This man, right here, is a mothafuckin' genius. If you ask me, which you did not.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
funny anagrams for all
Dormitory: Dirty Room
Schoolmaster: The classroom
Elvis: Lives
Clint Eastwood: Old West Action
Western Union: No Wire Unsent
The Country Side: No City Dust Here
Desperation: A Rope Ends It
The Morse Code: Here Come Dots
Slot Machines: Cash Lost in'em
Conversation: Voices Rant On
Heavy Rain: Hire a Navy
Tom Cruise: So I'm Cuter
Mother-in-law: Woman Hitler
Funeral: Real Fun
Snooze Alarms: Alas! No More Z's
A Decimal Point: I'm a Dot in Place
Statue of Liberty: Built to Stay Free
Eleven plus two: Twelve plus one
Mel Gibson: Bong Smile
David Letterman: Nerd Amid Late TV
Howard Stern: Retard Shown
Debit card: Bad Credit
Schoolmaster: The classroom
Elvis: Lives
Clint Eastwood: Old West Action
Western Union: No Wire Unsent
The Country Side: No City Dust Here
Desperation: A Rope Ends It
The Morse Code: Here Come Dots
Slot Machines: Cash Lost in'em
Conversation: Voices Rant On
Heavy Rain: Hire a Navy
Tom Cruise: So I'm Cuter
Mother-in-law: Woman Hitler
Funeral: Real Fun
Snooze Alarms: Alas! No More Z's
A Decimal Point: I'm a Dot in Place
Statue of Liberty: Built to Stay Free
Eleven plus two: Twelve plus one
Mel Gibson: Bong Smile
David Letterman: Nerd Amid Late TV
Howard Stern: Retard Shown
Debit card: Bad Credit
keep it alive!
why are we letting this blog die?
I'm introducing a new topic so that those of you lacking creative impulses can find your place within this realm.
Here's my contribution: Did you know that "Butterflies" were originally called "Flutterbys"?
challenge: beat that
I'm introducing a new topic so that those of you lacking creative impulses can find your place within this realm.
Here's my contribution: Did you know that "Butterflies" were originally called "Flutterbys"?
challenge: beat that
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Dawson shooter?

Mohawk!!! Note that this AP photo was taken in the summer so the trenchcoat would have been pointless, and well, unstylish.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006

You know what's awesome? Posting other people's pics. Without their permission. No, don't act all surprised like buddy here. Everyone's doing it.
Yo. I just found out that drinking and staying up late on Sunday evening is not conducive to being productive on Monday. Can anyone tell me why? In other news, nothing.
people hate other people in this town... really? really!
This has got to be one of the funniest blogs i've read so far... well maybe not but it's pretty funny! That, and I just feel very Montreal-o-centric today.
Thursday, September 7, 2006

Here is a picture of the palace at night in Mysore. Note to those of us going to India this week, it is illuminated like this only on Sunday evening. I like to think the architect tried to recreate the eternal beauty of my 'trout', ie my caca. Further understanding of my last sentence can be grasped in this phrase: "Oh man, I hate too much mexican, I really have to drop some trout." Or trou' pour les intimes.
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Criss, Émile, kess t'a fais avec mes cintres?
Tu as même volé le 'e' de volur!
-Amresh Puri
Tu as même volé le 'e' de volur!
-Amresh Puri
Brave men die young.

Salut les aminches,
je suis vraiment triste aujourd'hui, alors pas de calembredaines.
J'ai utilise mes connaissances en actuariat et j'ai calcule que les chances que Mr Erwin meurt d'un coup de queue de raie etait d'environ 1 sur 3. Vous me direz que je fabule, mais je vous dirai que non et que ceux qui peuvent comprendre comprennent. C'est que la vie s'acharne a se la nous rendre absurde et y a rien a comprendre. Tout de meme, la queue de la raie mortelle (pas la raie, la queue, imbeciles), c'est vraiment quelque chose. Je ne savais pas qu'une raie combinee avec une queue pouvait provoquer la mort instantanee. Raie + Queue = Deces
Comme vous aurez pu le constater, y en a marre de l'anglophonie alors j'affiche en francais maintenant. Ca fait maintenant une journee que je suis avec les ontariens demander alors casse toi.Ils sont pas mal moins chiants que je pensais. A part les filles, les filles honte aryenne sont chiantes.
Monday, September 4, 2006
Saturday, September 2, 2006
yeah... the party was fun... i just hate to see this blog die though so i'm posting gibberish. jsdjnvlzslkhèlièlikcfèihjùùdèihscèknlùzékcnxèinhzxcjnzéxcjknè;lishdèonùaéc.knéz.xcjknèllljknéknzxcknkxnckz;icxdèkidsàèik騨cx;jc;jkbkjb.zcbhshjbdhfbljxhbvjvhclzhc;zclzhbc,hzgflusdloùèéojasèèjikùèéaiséhuAGstùsrxgzvxcvzcj,hszvx,jzcxhjbzareyoustillreading??kljns;djh;adsfjb;jznxc;kuhsd;fjnézsdjnf;lkzndfkv.jn.zsdv .jk«»¢b.kjbsdécnszkl.léll;ajszùsùsdjbhnsdf>ªc,zhbsvdfyoumustbegreek!!!jbsdz.j.jzbsdcv.jkbz.dsfjb.zjdsbfv.jbsd.fjkbk.bcfjé.∆»ª∫¢v.jdh.kfcjbz.,msdjvbchjvhvncmnbjbhmbxnhlk..cllxjklfnck,xnd,hjvbl,hjxdbc,n.jbzkdjhdhjzbc ,.jkbdcv,bjn.zjcé.kjbds.cj.zjxcnéjzxc.kjbz.sjkdb.kzjbsc.khjvbldzjfbélkzndckjbdécklnéldkfnéjkbzdc,jdfjeanmichelsotiron;éasklndf;ihnszd.fkjhn;zkdfvkné. »√˚ ihd f.kjhc; zfh ;fh;ks dfhlkszejh;kjèékljd;éskhn;kjùbadsfjhbksksjlkznsjbszjcbjzscnzscljn .ajsdkjnlzs;jknbjksdnfjzbcdfokenoughofthisbullshit.k
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